MEANS OF COMMUNICATION Phone. Mobile communication in Turkey. Etiquette at restaurants of Turkey
Network of mobile communication in Turkey
At first the 90th years all Turkish telephone system has been privatised. The municipal company Turk Telekom has incorporated with А1саtе1, having received at all this significant technological advantages. Mobile phones всераспространены everywhere, and inhabitants of Turkey very much will be surprised, if at you it does not appear. Turkey uses the European standard of communication therefore the South American phone here will not work, if only it not the multiband. The network of mobile communication in Turkey clasps increasing the small town and the most part of others occupied пт. You can get a local telephone card (хазыр cards) on which a certain sum is brought, and to thrust it in own mobile. Then you will have Turkish telephone number, to use which essentially cheaper, than the, in particular if you plan rest in Turkey 14 days and more.
Whether to switch off phone at restaurant of Turkey
To switch off phone during a business meeting or at restaurant of Turkey it is not indispensable. But, travelling by the long-distance bus, the ferry, the plane or other transport in Turkey, it is necessary to disconnect phone. After «mobile revolution» the number of street payphones is perceptible was reduced. That from them to call, the special card is necessary. In hotels of Turkey for use by phone raise very huge payment. Usually, to call abroad, it is necessary to gather «00», and then a country code. For a long distance call gather "About" and a small town code. This rule belongs and to Istanbul — in this case if you wish to call from the 1st coast of Bosporus on another.
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