Lake Tortum Gyolyu and Tortums falls. Dishes and the prices at restaurants of Turkey during independent travel across Turkey to Tortums falls
The prices at restaurants of Turkey in the village Balaklky
If you like rounds to Turkey for a week, by all means visit the lake Tortum Gelyu. A little further turn to Yoshk Bank there is Tortum Gelyu (Tortum Golu), rather huge lake about 10 m at length and 1 km at width, повдоль which west bank the road abruptly moves up. Even in solar day its water has dirty and green, dairy-beige or sour grayish colour therefore to bathe in is mute not by all means though local inhabitants of Turkey and use the stony as beaches saved up at the village Balaklky and the far end of the peninsula placed in 8 km to the North from the minor road to Yoshk Banku, it is natural at all that sand beaches of Turkey on the coast. There is the best restaurant in what tourists in Turkey after church survey can have dinner. It is called as Iskele Alabalik Tesisleri and offers ordinary, but healthy food — salads and a trout (three small, but tasty small fishes will manage to you in 6YTL - such prices at restaurants of Turkey in this village). Not including that, at restaurant it is possible to hire the rowboat.
Independent travel across Turkey to Tortum's falls
Independent travel across Turkey to Tortum's falls. The lake has been formed by a landslide which has back partitioned off two-three eyelids a northern exit from the plain. Now here are eminent шелале, or Tortum's falls to which it is possible to reach on perfectly marked minor road to 12 km to the North from turn on Yoshk Bank. Energy industry (the Turkish Electronic Company) has built on a natural dam an artificial dam with the turbine. As you will see hydroelectric power station, leave asphalt and curtail on the road marked with the sign "Tortum Selalesi". Through kilometre at the left you will see the huge mountain with the 48-metre cascade. That better it to make out, go down on a track conducting to the left. Keep in mind that the falls represent something fascinating only if you have gone to Turkey in the spring as in the summer of hydroelectric power station will confiscate for own needs actually all water. Below falls spurs of ridges the Penalty, Aksek and Ditla compress the embraces, and the plain is narrowed, turning into a fine canyon.
To get rounds to Turkey from Belgorod it is possible on our website as for cash and so clearing settlement.