Istanbul — Cabaret and clubs with Turkish music. The best hotels of Turkey: councils to tourists
Even the most cheap rounds to Turkey leave to you only unforgettable memoirs, after all you will touch sacraments of east culture. Cabarets, maybe, are the most expensive method to feel in the east. Even in institutions with quite good reputation the other-wordly entrance fee is raised, and after you overpay for everything, beginning from food and drinks and finishing dance of the tummy which performers wait that you will thrust them for a belt a certain quantity of notes. Try to avoid contact to those who imposes you visit of similar places, in particular if they invite those who moves into in Hilton and other best hotels of Turkey. Most ideal without the aid of others to go to more respectable place. If there are no additional announcements, cabarets give representations of times a day. The dinner moves in 19. 45, and show begins about 20. 30 also can last till midnight. The least expensive and more authentic candidate of cabaret are peaceful bars restaurants in which menu there is also the state cuisine of Turkey, and the state Turkish music. In the majority of these institutions play байламу on сазе (a lute with a longish signature stamp) or фасиль on a violin, fish (lute), дарабуке (drum) and, maybe, зурне (the tool such as a clarinet). If you "bar" interests, sail away to the area to Beyogla, фасиль execute and at almost all fish restaurants in Kumkapy on the bank of the Gold Horn which is closer to Sultanakhmeta. For Meuse and to pair of drinks under live music be going to pay on 40-60YTL from the person.
We want to suggest to go to such country as Turkey from Volgograd. The prices will pleasantly amaze you.