Tourist map of Turkey: to the North from Erzurum. Ishkhan
Tourist map of Turkey: Ishkhan's village
Tourist rest in Turkey is curious for continuing, having driven off from falls on 15 km where the going-down road approaches to a basic intersection. If you go directly, will arrive to Yusufeli. Having turned to the right to Olur, through 6 km you will see a symbol with the image of a place of archeological excavations which Ishkhan (Ishan) (Ishkani) shows on being still in 5, 7 km from here, the village oasis on a flat top of a steep where half asphalted road conducts. On the tourist map of Turkey this one of the most picturesque places: around crumbling, very dim hillocks are placed, the deathly, which lunar landscape sharply contrasts with yablonevy and shelkovichny gardens and groves of walnuts round the village. There are no expensive hotels of Turkey, but that and the place full of rural charm is excellent this. At the central fountain with 2 streams and a tea lodge with a plate of satellite television turn to the left and pass 300 metres by colourful state houses to church near which there is the next fountain and a spacious parking.
Tourist map of Turkey: church of the Mother of God in Ishkhan
In tourist Turkey there are a lot of the historical places, one of which - the fine church devoted to the Mother of God. It was under construction steps from VIII to the XI centuries AD and it is considered one of the most starenky in Turkey of examples of the Georgian architecture. A semicircular colonnade of an apse with a fine carving of capitals - the most ancient that here has remained - in accuracy repeats similar structure of church of Bana which you also can behold on a tourist trip to Turkey. Some big fragments of a roof are lost, therefore a dome in height 42 metres, rise on 4 columns as if absolutely separately. Nevertheless, having risen directly under it, you can be convinced that acoustics of a building till this moment the delightful. Highly above on the remained walls southern трансепта there are separate sites of frescos with Visions Zachariah, and under a dome - abstract crosses of an era of iconoclasm. Even more fascinatingly external reliefs of the XI century. in particular a bestiary and the semicircular inscription devoted to tsar Bagrat III (governed from 1000 to 1014) opposite to the southern brick portal where on the right over a window the lion and a snake were linked in deadly fight. To chagrin, the church has been very damaged at the time of when it served as a mosque, in particular its northwest corner (this place is put by a rough laying) and the nave which has been absolutely fenced off from other room by the latest wall.
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