What is welding and what do welders do?

Welding is the most economical and efficient way to join metals permanently. It is the only way of joining two or more pieces of metal to

make them act as a single piece. Welding is vital to our economy. It is often said that over 50% of the gross national product of the U. S.A. is related to welding in one way or another. Welding ranks high among industrial processes and involves more sciences and variables than those involved in any other industrial process. There are many ways to make a weld and many different kinds of welds. Some processes cause sparks and others do not even

What is welding and what do welders do?

require extra heat. Welding can be done anywhere... outdoors or indoors, underwater and in outer space.

Nearly everything we use in our daily life is welded or made by equipment that is welded. Welders

help build metal products from coffeepots to

skyscrapers. They help build space vehicles and millions of other products ranging from oil drilling rigs to automobiles. In construction, welders are virtually rebuilding the world, extending subways, building bridges, and helping to improve the environment by building pollution control devices. The use of welding is practically unlimited. There

is no lack of variety of the type of work that is done.

What is welding and what do welders do?

Welders are employed in many industry groups. Machinery manufacturers are responsible for agricultural, construction, and mining machinery. They are also involved in bulldozers, cranes, material handling equipment, food-processing machinery, papermaking and printing equipment, textiles, and office machinery.


What is welding and what do welders do?

The fabricated metals products compiles another group including manufacturers of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, tanks, sheet metal, prefabricated metal buildings and architectural and ornamental work. Transportation is divided into two major groups: manufacturers of transportation equipment except motor vehicles; and motor vehicles and equipment. The first includes shipbuilding, aircraft, spacecraft, and railroads. The second includes automobiles, trucks, buses, trailers, and associated

A small group of welders belongs to the group of repair services. This includes maintenance and repair on automobiles or refers to the welding performed on industrial and electrical machinery to repair worn parts. The mining, oil extraction, and gas extraction industries form yet another group. A large portion of the work involves drilling and extracting oil and gas or mining of ores, stone, sand and gravel.

Welders are also employed in the primary metals industries to include steel mills, iron and steel foundries, smelting and refining plants. Much of
this work is maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment. Another group is the electrical and electronic equipment companies. Welding done by this group runs from work on electric generators, battery chargers, to household appliances.

What is welding and what do welders do?

Public administration employs welders to perform maintenance welding that is done on utilities, bridges, government armories and bases, etc. Yet another group involves wholesale and retail establishments. These would include auto and agricultural equipment dealerships, metal service centers, and scrap yards.

Probably the smallest group of welders, but perhaps those with the biggest impact on the public are the artist and sculptors. The St. Louis Arch is possibly one of the best known. But there are many other fountains and sculptures in cities and neighborhoods around the world.

While-reading activity

Find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: валовой национальный продукт, на открытом воздухе, в помещении, космический корабль, горное оборудование.

True or false?

1. Welding is an important process employed by modern industry.

2. All welding processes are similar.

3. All welding processes require work pieces to be heated.

4. The smallest group of welders belongs to the group of repair services.

5. Welding is the only way to join metals.

After-reading activity

Make up a summary of the text using the following sentences as a beginning:]

1. Welding is.... 2. Welding ranks... 3. There are many kinds... 4. Welding can be made. 5. Welders can. 6. The use of welding is. 7. Welders are employed in. .


You already know where welders are involved. Read the text below and find out if there are more such places.


journeyman (person) наемный квалифицированный рабочий
apprentice ученик
plate working обработка листового металла
blueprint 1) делать светокопию, копировать чертеж 2) делать разметку
brazing пайка твердым припоем (из меди и цинка)
GTA (gas tungsten arc) welding сварка неплавящимся электродом
TIG (ungsten inert gas welding) дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде инертного газа
SMAW (shielded metal arc welding) дуговая сварка покрытым металлическим электродом
SAW (submerged arc welding) (дуговая) сварка под флюсом
resistance welding (контактная) сварка сопротивлением
flux core флюсовая сердцевина ( порошковой проволоки )
metal core металлический сердечник
shift work (по)сменная работа, работа по сменам



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