Yangzi Nanchans pool. Trains, planes and buses in China
From Nanchang it is possible to take off by plane for Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and some other the cities. The large quantity of an avia agencies is placed on Chzhantsyanla (Zhanqian Lu). Service of booking of air tickets is offered also by many hotels of China. The office "Chayna Istern" is on Beytszinsila (Beijing Xi Lu). Nanchang costs on жд strips Kowloon - Beijing and is sensitive away from a branch Shanghai - Kunming. Жд transport of China is perfectly developed and enough дешёв. Tickets in sleeping compartments always are available on sale, but the turn in cash desk always happens big. For a small commission sell tickets for avia agency trains for Chzhantsyanla. If at you it is bad with orientation, you will be helped жд by the map of China which is on sale at stations. The road service station of Nanchang will seem to you bolshushchy and crowded. But employees of a ticket office are very friendly, and to places on buses of troubles never happens. On the high-speed highways connecting Nanchang to Tszyutszyan, Lushanem and Jingdezhen, during the whole day walk both minibuses, and comfortable expresses. Everyday flights provide the message with Tszinganshanem and Ganzhou in Jiangxi, Uishanem in the Province of Fujian and others occupied пт. And if you have decided to go still somewhere to China, the bus, probably, can be the best option.
Rounds to China from Yekaterinburg. Visit known Mao's homeland and other significant Chinese people, visit palaces and pagodas, try dishes of Chinese cuisine and almost all another.