Rest abroad. Egypt: suitable information. Egypt and a mail service with though what the state on the world map
Rest abroad: Egypt and its mail
Plan rest abroad, Egypt and during holiday will give the chance to you to remain on communication. In Cairo you can descend in the Central post office located to Medan of Atab (once a day, not including Fridays, 8:00-20:00 works, during Ramadan 9:00-15:00) with branches (work once a day, not including Fridays, 8:00-18:00, during Ramadan 9:00-15:00) on all small town. Branches are placed: on Shary Takhrir near Medan Falaki; on Shary Ramses about a skreshcheniye with the street on July 26; at the station Ramses and on Shary al-Azkhar about al-Azkhar mosque. In Egypt information about features of local mail can be necessary for tourists, if you wish to receive correspondence poste restante on адресок offices to Medan Atab or on a delivery office (mail poste restante, Atab's post office, 11511 Cairo), works once a day, not including Fridays, 7:00-19:00, Ramadan 8:00-16:00. The entrance in department of mail is poste restante placed on Shary al-Bedak, round the corner from the main entrance, to the right of a structure if to look at it ahead. Pass at the last door with the sign "Private boxes" («Private mail boxes») and pass to a rack No. 10.
Written correspondence and Egypt on the world map
Mail is stored month without payment when receiving, but you should show the passport. Here can confuse letters therefore it is recommended to write on mail addressed to you a surname printed characters and to emphasise. Emergence of similar troubles if you use American Express mail on Shary Kasr el-Neil is least possible, but this service serves only owners of cards or traveler's checks of American Express. Direct attention to this fact, deliberating what to take in a trip to Egypt. It is considered that the letters lowered in a lobby of known hotel of Egypt by Nile Hilton, send more quickly, than the letters thrown into ordinary mail boxes (for mail directed abroad, boxes are painted pigeons colour). Egypt, on the world map being not in the deafest point, even the letters sent by air mail, sends to English islands two weeks, and to the USA - three weeks. But, the service of express delivery of office of Atab (once a day, not including Fridays works, 8:00-19:00), located opposite to mail poste restante, promises delivery worldwide in three-four working days.
How to send a parcel: Egypt and the mission countries on the world map
Parcels in weight to 500 g stand 128. The 70th pound to Britain and Ireland, 136. 40 to North America and 146. The 30th pound to Australia or the Latest Zealand. Through though what post office it is possible to send the registered mail. Brands can be got also in shops of hotels or cigarette booths which increase cost by 5 piastres (1. 50 pounds for a postcard or the letter, not essentially, as far from each other are the country of mission and Egypt on the world map). Abroad it is possible to send parcels from post office on Ramses Square, an entrance behind (from North side of a structure), in an office with a sign «Departure of zabugorny parcels» (Export Section for Foreign Parsels); once a day, not including Fridays, 9:00-14:30 works. Parcels are accepted not sealed and pass customs inspection, are packed (5 pounds) and, eventually, are weighed and go. The current prices of Egypt for a parcel it is powerful 10 kg the subsequent: 505 pounds to England and Ireland, 767 - to the USA, 733 - to Canada, 931 - to Australia and 1030 - to the Latest Zealand. Ordinary mail works is even more sluggish (2-6 months) and will save up to you a little means if you do not send something very heavy (in this case better to address to the forwarding agent). For receiving a parcel you should pass to a main entrance (East side) of the same structure, rise by the 4th floor and to be ready to that from you will take the customs duty (for example, to 60 pounds for pair of contact lenses). The most quick, reliable more, than the central bank of Egypt and the most expensive method to send and receive a parcel - with the courier. Here certain international express companies with offices in Cairo: DHL - the house 38 on Abdel Halik Sarvat (02/302-9801) with branches in Garden City and Heliopolis; UPS, through Loufty Mansour - the house 8 on the street 78, Maadi (02/750-8555).
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