Oasis Bakhary Vokrugs oasis To the East from Baviti
The most part of tourists give not enough attention to villages out of Baviti which inhabitants миролюбивы and are benevolent. It is not so difficult to reach on foot the village of AGUZ (Старенькый), in only 2 km from the small town about the highway to Cairo. Aguz is reputed as a place occupied by descendants of families, expelled of an oasis Siva for dissoluteness of their ladies. In the village there is a camp and hotel on the road going to Mandish which has borrowed the name from a field of dunes according to the name Gkhard Mandisha. Dunes threaten adjoining ZABU, houses and which greenish groves roll in sand. Behind gardens in a back part of the village leaving to a slope, you can pass on a footpath in a thicket of a sweet reed and find Kasr el-Zabu - a huge stone from sandstone on which Libyan номады and other travellers cut out inscriptions from the twelfth century. Except петроглифов and Sun signs you can behold horses, kolesnichy and the lady standing подбоченясь, also a name of researcher Hyde.