Necessary information Cultural centres, clubs and language course. The cultural centres, clubs and a language course will promote better to find out language culture of modern Egypt
It is possible to find round to Egypt on an educational aaplet if there is an enthusiasm to research of the Arabic language. The local cultural centres in the main thing are used, as a method to find out the last announcements from the house and to start acquaintances. At the majority of them there are libraries - certain are open for all. Others demand membership. And certain give free lectures and a paid language course, usually language of own country, instead of Arab. If you wish to learn Arab, in Cairo is a little not bad schools. The language culture of modern Egypt is a modern standard Arabic language (MSA) - the language of newspapers being in the main thing a written language, and colloquial Egyptian Arab on which people on streets say, at home, in Egypt on it usually do not write. It essentially differs from Arab on which say in other countries of Asia though the most part of inhabitants of the Arab world, usually, understand the Egyptian option of the Arabic language. At several schools teach both MSA, and the Egyptian colloquial Arab. Going to Egypt information for tourists about where to find the teacher will help to orient - it is possible to address to a bulletin board in AUC and in Bon Appetit on Shary Mohammed Mahmoud and to find the personal teacher.
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