Khao Yays state park. The state park of Thailand of Khao Yay – the best in the country
Khao Yay's territory (Khao Yai National Park; openly: time in day 8, 00-18. 00, entrance paid; ph.: 0-3731-9002) occupies a plateau Khorat to the North from Bangkok, incinerated by the summer sun and becoming covered by pyshnovaty greens with arrival of rains. The title of park is translated as «the big mountain», it takes place in 3 hours' journey (200 km) from the capital and is the oldest and one of the best state parks of Thailand. From Bangkok here it is possible to reach by the bus going to Pakchonga (Chong Cancer) in the province Nakhon Ratchasima (Nakhon Ratchasima), from here to a head entrance you will bring up on a pickup.
The park occupies the district of 2100 on which elephants and more 100 species of other animals, including mountain reddish wolves, smoky leopards and dark bears live. In the middle of a big large quantity of the feathery — birds rhinoceroses (one of the hugest in South East Asia of populations), бородастики, ruddy-headed and oranzhevogrudy трогоны, huge flaky woodpeckers. Tourists here with representatives of fauna cannot guarantee a meeting, but in any case walk on park, for example to huge falls, probably will bring pleasure. In the course of overnight journeys in Thailand in this park, the chance to behold in beams of small lamps of deer and tropical birds and if will carry, tigers and bears is great.
Before transformation in 1962 in Khao Yay's state park it was known as a shelter not only only for animals and for criminals. Now all here, naturally, has exchanged; in park there are comfortable new hotels of Thailand, restaurant and a golf course with 18 holes. And now this park, it is unconditional - one of the best recreation areas in Thailand.
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