Karakorumskaya Highway the Multikilometer route across China — Karakorumskaya Highway
For eyelids the pass Hundzherab was the main link of the Silk way between the Chinese world, the Indian subcontinent and, respectively, all Western world. Now this pass lying at height of 4700 m above sea level, remains a border area - between China and Pakistan. A trip to China, crossing a massif on a stallion, a camel or on foot - that can be more romantic? But the civilisation is pragmatic. Diligence of modern engineering directly through the pass stretched the highway, having opened the road to seasonal streams of lorries and buses. a 1300-kilometre route across China from Kashgar through mountains to Rawalpindi in Northern Pakistan has received Karakorumskaya Highway title. The trip to China without the aid of others on the highway is connected with a certain risk, but more the most interesting travel to China or from it heavy to imagine. Tourists travelling from China spend the night in Tashkurgan on the Chinese party after that cross the pass and appear in the Pakistan city of Vanities. Probable option - to set up camp on one or pair of nights on cool, but unusually fine lake Astrakhan fur located under protection of glaciers. The road through the pass is open since the beginning of May till the end of October but if bad weather in China, even in the summer, journey on it can be closed without the preparatory notice on a quantity of days. Travel from Kashgar to Rawalpindi, Islamabad or in the turnaround direction takes, at least, four days (without delays in a way). For arrival to Pakistan the majority of tourists needs the visa.
Tremendous rounds from Omsk to China. Travel on this mysterious country will bring in your life a lot of new and fascinating.