Jiangsu and Zhejiang Wuhsi. Traditions of Old China have found the reflexion in the Chinese sweet dishes
Routes on which buses from China stop
The old city of Wuhsi has a roundish form and is surrounded with a ring of channels. The most part of the trains, plying boundaries Shanghai and Nanjing, stop on local жд the station located behind line аква of a ring of the small town, on its northeast suburb. From a stop, being it is sensitive to the east of CTS Grand Hotel, opposite to the station, the bus No. 11 which route lies through all city departs. The station of buses of far following on which there arrive buses from China, from the majority of the nearby Chinese cities looks at the square near the station also. On the return suburb of Wuhsi, behind Lyansi Bridge thrown through the Stately channel, the small road service station providing the frequent message with Isin is placed. From this road service station the bus No. 20 and the minibuses subsequent through the city to жд of the station go also.
To find excellent hotels of China which would suit to you to taste, here it is simple. The best cheap hotel is Southern Yangtze University Foreign Experts Building on Huihe Lu, 170 (0510/5861034; r«) with very comfortable single and two-place rooms (all inclusive) at the expense of what tourists receive cheap rounds to China. If you go here from the station by the bus No. 2, leave at the 2nd stop - Qing-shanwan - behind the huge bridge via the Stately channel. Having descended from the bus, come over to other party of the road and pass forward minutes 10 - to a sign in the British language. In this district of the small town it is possible to find as personal hotels of China. Cheap number near the station can be removed in Taishan Hotel (0510/2303888, 2301069;) - the highest building opposite to an exit from the station. Among other hotels of Wuhsi it is necessary to allocate CTS Grand (0510/2300888, доб. 1908, 2304561), located through the road from the station, high quality hotel Milido on Liang Xi Lu, 2 (0510/5865665, 5801668) - though the same price category includes also even more comfortable hotels on the bank of the lake.
Sweet бюда China – on satisfaction to gourmands of the whole world
In one of institutions on Zhongshan Lu there is a restaurant of Chinese cuisine, and is sensitive to the south of Renmin Lu. Among them - Wuxi Roast Duck Restaurant pleasing guests of the menu in the British language. In the majority of local restaurants submit a known local dish - ribs on-usiyski, prepared in special soya sauce. To have a bite sail away to Wangxingji Wonton located in the centre of the small town, at the corner of Zhongshan Lu and Xueqian Jie intersection where it is necessary to test soup, with вонтонами, pork legs, shrimps and small eggs, also rolls with an interior from crabs. Near жд the station - behind the bridge, in pair of quarters on the South - Lou Shang Lou treating guests in the bolshenny portions of noodles and the Shanghai dishes is placed. The best desserts are offered by Huang Ting Delicious Food City which history totals more than 120 years. This institution lives as before, amuses guests and keeps traditions of old China. By all means try here the Chinese sweet dishes: crackling plam pie and cakes of Yulan.
Trips to China from Chita become you pleasant rest and unforgettable memoirs.