City. Historical monuments of China in Kashgar
In Kashgar there are only two monuments. Here main sight of China: small streets of the old small town, markets, restaurants, tea lodges and inhabitants. Circular streets creep away in the parties from the centre of the old Uigur settlement as which kernel Id Square Kakh with an hour tower and a big mosque acts. In several hundred parts of metres to the South lies modern, the trading business centre of Kashgar surrounding an intersection on which meet to Tszefanbeyla, Tszefananla, Zhenminsila and Zhenmindunla, local hotels of China here take place. The next reference point for guests of the small town - Mao Tszedun welcoming a taxi on Zhenmindunla's indescribably big sculpture. It is necessary to see that historical monuments of China always differed a raciness. This monumental reminder on the indisputable power of China over the region. Opposite to a sculpture wide Zhenmin Square behind which the Chinese garden is broken was stretched. Mausoleums of Uigur heroes of a past are disseminated through suburbs of the small town, to reach to which most convenient by the bus or are great.
Rounds to China from Petersburg. Time to travel and open to itself something new and fascinating.