Abbasiya, Hadaik al-Kubba and Medinet-Nasr Medinet-Nasr
In the 1960-1970th on a place of shooting ranges in Abbasy the new suburb satellite has been created, and many governmental departments have been transferred to this «The victory city». But if you have no affairs in Financial management or the transport Ministry, in Medinet-Nasr a little that is worthy. The travellers arriving from Suez, will pass by Cairo stadium Olympic on about one amount Shary al-Nasr end where usually play the house matches Cairo football clubs "Akhlis" and "Zamaliks" and where also pass the international matches.
Povdol Boulevard the planted trees and shrubs front parade-ground with a pyramidal Memorial of a victory in the centre, 1973 devoted to October war was stretched. In 1981 Islamic radicals have filtered on parade in honour of anniversary on October 6 and have carried a tribune machine guns and grenades, having mortally wounded president Sadat (Mubarak standing near it, has not received a uniform wound). Sadat's grave is under a victory Memorial.
To the North from Sadat's grave and a victory Memorial on Shary al-Oruba in an environment of an exhibition of military equipment there is a building of a big Panorama of the October war opened in 1989. The panorama has appeared according to the offer, the made Hosni Mubarak the favourite of North Korea Kim Ir Senom during visit of the Egyptian president to this country in 1983. Construction passed under control of the Korean professionals and it is perceptible: the building looks, how pavilion in the communistic park of the 1950th directed on a certain subject, and is decorated with reliefs in Maoist style. Only заместо farmers and the workers of East Asia who are purposely walking forward, the Egyptian fighters against pyramids here are represented. Every day here passes 5 sessions (once a day, without considering Tuesday, in 9. 30, 11. 00, 12. 30, in the winter also in 17. 00 and 18. 30, and in the summer in 18. 00 and 19. 30, 10 pounds, shooting 2 pounds) which begin about 2 enough silly diopamas illustrating the beginning of October war. The culmination is truly rather impressing three-dimensional panorama of war on Sinai for which survey the audience turns on 360 °. Comments (on Arab with the British version via earphones) explain acts at means of such phrases, as: «minutes of fame promptly passed», and all representation is so extreme triumphally that you even can think that Egyptians have truly won October war. The travellers arriving to Cairo through Suez, can pass through the Olympic Cairo stadium where quite often play known Cairo football clubs, such as Аhlу and Zamalek.