Financial Sector Assessment

Commercial Laws

Key components of commercial laws that affect the sound functioning of financial institu­tions and markets include laws that define the regime for formation of companies, corpo­rate governance of both financial and nonfinancial firms, and consumer protection in the financial system. The scope of those components is outlined below.

9.1.1 Company Law

A regime for the creation and operation of companies is a key element of any commercial system. Laws providing for the formation and registration of different types of compa­nies—including joint stock, limited liability, closed and open partnerships (limited and special), and other forms of corporate entities—should be in place. Those types of laws should deal with the operation of the company registrar, procedures for registering compa­nies, public access to the register, minimum capital requirements, procedures for the issue and transfer of shares, meetings of shareholders, rights and duties of shareholders, provi­sions for annual meetings, extraordinary meetings, role of the board of directors, duties of directors, role of auditors and audit procedures, accounting and auditing requirements, and penalties for infringements of the law.

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Financial Sector Assessment

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

IFC publishes the Emerging Markets Database (EMDB). EMDB contains the latest figures for all IFC indices—global, investable, industry, and frontier—and on market data such as prices, corporate actions, and stock …

Links with the Basel Core Principle

The “efficient resolution of problems in banks” is mentioned in the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (BCP) issued by the BCBS as one of the key precondi­tions for effective …

The Mapping of Macroscenarios to Balance Sheets: The Bottom-Up Approach

Translating a macroeconomic framework into the balance sheet of a financial institution requires mapping macrovariables into a set of common risk factors that can be applied to stress individual balance …

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