Botanical Name: Sequoia sempervirens The fascinating California redwood grows to an incredible size. Native to coastal California and Oregon, it is capable of reaching well over 300 feet in height and one tree may yield thousands of board feet of lumber. Although supplies of this wood have been seriously depleted, redwood can sometimes still be acquired in extremely wide planks. The wood is noted for its stability, durability and resistance to decay; its large burls are cut into veneers.
Other Name: Redwood.
Source: West coast of U. S.A.
Characteristics: Straight grain; fine, even texture; deep reddish-brown.
Uses: Joinery, furniture, posts, paneling, plywood and veneers, and much light outdoor construction. Workability: Good; dulls cutters only slightly; moderate bending properties.
Finishing: Accepts finishes well.
Weight: 26 Ib./cu. ft.
Price: Inexpensive to moderate.