
Botanical Name: Fagus qranMoWa Heavy, hard and strong, American beech is used for everything from flooring to woodenware. Although con­sidered less attractive than European beech, American beech has prominent rays and visible tiny pores. It is highly figured when quartersawn.

Other Name: Beech.

Sources: Eastern U. S.A. and Canada.

Characteristics: Straight grain; fine, even texture; reddish brown to light brown heartwood with almost white sapwood.

Uses: Bentwood furniture, turning, handles and cabinetmaking.

Workability: Satisfactory; good with most tools but may burn when crosscut or drilled; may bind on saws; excellent turning wood; excellent bending properties; high shrinkage makes it unstable in use.

Finishing: Accepts finishes well.

Weight: 46 Ib./cu. ft.

Price: Moderate.



Botanical Name: Betu/a papyrifera Paper birch is a tough, heavy wood, although it is softer than other birches. Its bark was used by Native Americans to fashion wigwams and canoes so that many people still refer to it as “canoe birch.” The wood possesses an attractive figure, and is sometimes sliced into decora­tive veneers.

Other Names: White birch, sweet birch, American birch. Sources: Canada, U. S.A.

Characteristics: Straight grain; fine texture; wide, creamy white sapwood pale-brown heartwood.

Uses: Turning for domestic utensils, dowels, toothpicks, spools, bobbins, hoops and toys, plywood and decorative veneers.

Workability: Generally good; moderate dulling of cutters; unusual curly grain may pick up in planing; sat­isfactory bending properties.

Finishing: Accepts finishes well.

Weight: 39 Ib./cu. ft.

Price: Inexpensive.


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(H) Botanical Name: Cordia dodecandra A stunning, dark wood, ziricote is easy to work and can be broughtto a very smooth finish. Though difficult 5o dry, once this is achieved …


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(H) Botanical Name: Salix nigra While its European cousin is used most notably in cricket bats, black willow is most frequently used in North America by school woodworking shops; it …

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