Travel across Tibet. What restrictions impose the Tibetan authorities on tourists in China
Permissions of the Union of travellers PSB stands out and grants the right to visit of certain objects during strictly certain time. The price of permission is fixed and is not in dependence from quantity of objects of visit. Tourists individuals are authorised to visit all settlements on Druzhby road to Nepal, also the objects located near it, namely, Everest, and here to visit the Western or East Tibet tourists at whom travel to China as a part of group with accredited provozhdayushchy from travel agencies is reserved will manage only. From the hardware for transportation of passengers in Tibet huge public buses and the smallest on size, brisk minibuses are used. Local inhabitants can go by any of these means of transport. And here for foreigners business is on another. Freely go by public buses tourists in China can, whereas in the minibuses which are considered here «private transport», it is not authorised to sit down to foreigners, though in the Lhasa drivers of minibuses quite often recede from this rule. The trip to China without the aid of others on великах on far distances is officially forbidden. But local authorities, as though, tolerate tourists cyclists - in particular to those who travels on a popular route to Nepal in the summer (welcome, the best time of rest in China). From cards we can advise you «Chayn Tibet Tur мэп» (China Tibet Tour Map) and «Lhasa Round Mep» (Lhasa Tour Map) published in the British language. To get them it is possible in Xinhua bookshop at CNY 7 cost for everyone and in the majority of hotels where they stand it is sensitive more expensively. The Yak Hotel hotel offers old, but very detailed, drawn by hand, the map of the small town (CNY 3).
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