Lake Astrakhan fur. Astrakhan fur and other Chinese sights in districts
To the southwest from Kashgar Road leaves the plain with its lodges from a brick raw soon both irrigated wheaten and rice plantations and directs up, through the river gorges covered with cyclopean stones, to absolutely other region. Edge in what trees do not grow, and only nude dunes from sand and pebble and the most rare impregnations of pastures where yaks and camels are grazed are visible. The more strong reminiscence makes on travellers at once opening them to eyes away from the lake Astrakhan fur and local natural Chinese sights are expensive. The astrakhan fur lying directly at the bottom of Pamir mountains and the stately, 7546-metre mountain of Muztag-At, whose immense, snow-covered slopes are split by cyclopean glaciers, the lake blinds blueness of waters. Abilities for campaigns on nearby greenish pastures here in bulk. Here tourist rest in China will be not that as on beaches, in particular - if you are equipped with tent and warm clothes: after all at height of 3800 m weather can be very cool even in the summer, and snow in June here at all uniqueness so here summer holiday in China can unpleasantly amaze you. It is possible to take a walk also round the lake - on the road you, probably, will meet peaceful Kirghiz, and if can have a talk with them (that it is absolutely not simple), and to spend the night with them in a yurta. Other option in the absence of tent at you - to spend the night in rather dirty and not rather nice complex of yurtas constructed specially for tourists, is sensitive away from the road. There is a restaurant and the conductors. The lodging for the night in a 4-seater yurta (in any sense it is personal hotels of China) costs about CNY 60 from the person, and a food will manage to you in CNY 70 in day that is a little expensive. But food tasty, and local inhabitants are very hospitable. Toilets and умывальни here primitive, and the freshest water undertakes directly from the lake therefore bathing in it is forbidden.
Rounds to China from Samara. Spend holidays with soul, having plunged into the most beautiful nature of China where blossoming Oriental cherries and mountain ranges bewitch a look.