Travel on the Stately desert Travel on the Stately desert
Available to tourists only from the 1980th g travel on the Stately desert
is one of the best routes which can offer Egypt. Beginning from Cairo, Luxor or Asyut, it goes more than 1000 km through a desert landscape on which dunes and longish slopes are allocated. On the road among the hollows eaten away by a wind there are four oases: Bakhariya. Farafra, Dakhla and Harga. Unlike Siva, these «internal oases» were practically always under control of the Plain of Nile. Since the Average kingdom them Pharaohs, Persians, Romans, мамлюки, Turks and Englishmen who left traces in the form of temples, tombs, forts, mosques or roads operated. Since the time of Nasser the basic governmental aaplet popular as the Brand new plain insert below), has changed oases.
Each oasis has the specificity, and a difference between them as is visible, as well as their similarity. Bakhariya and Farafra are appreciated highly their hot sources and palm groves. But Bakhariya tests strong influence of Cairo and is the main centre of a safari for the desert, and Farafra more rural and usual. In Dakhla and Harge the modern centres are least presentable, than the most ancient ruins and villages on their peripheries filled with historical links to the Plain of Nile and karavanny routes from Sudan. The stop for the night in the Snow-white desert occupied by ghosts between Bakhary and Farafra is neotklonimy. For who has more than time and means, safaris to more remote objects are arranged: a stalactite cave of El-Kaf, uninhabited oases повдоль the desert road on an oasis Siva and others which allow fans of travel to visit all oases of the Libyan Desert within a megaroute more than 1400 km. Because of bureaucratic procedures, but, this travel is even easier for making in other direction, having begun it from Siva.
If to count on public transport, it will be necessary a best part of the week to visit all four oases of the Latest plain. If you have only a quantity of days, the obvious purposes will be Bakhariya and Farafra which are in only one day of a way from Cairo. If you have enough time, that, having begun from Luxor and moving in the opposite direction, it is meaningful to go directly to Dakhla, instead of to stop in Harge. But whether it will be pleasant to fly through an oasis when one of its beauty is specifically walk around?