Travel on the Stately desert the Brand new Plain the Brand new Plain
Four oases «A route on the Stately desert» are placed повдоль the dried prehistoric sleeve of Nile and depend on sources and the wells which are starting with a big water-bearing layer near the Libyan Desert. In 1958 Naser's government has put forward plans to use them, to irrigate the desert and to move landless farmers from the overpopulated Plain of Nile and the Delta to the Latest plain (El-Vadi el-Dzhedid). It was actually necessary on соц for the reasons, but also should hold landless феллахов from emigration to Syria which was at that time incorporated with Egypt to the Incorporated Arab Republic and is comparable is not rather occupied. Naser has organised the Commission on the desert which has found oases, has caused the isolated oases without roads and modern conveniences, the most part of old springs and which channels has been blocked. From here the five years' plan and Management of the Latest plain for works in oases of Harga, Dakhla and Farafra, together with Management of Giza which was engaged in Bakhary's oasis was born.
Since then as in the 1970th works have begun, the project knew liftings and falling as investments have appeared more than it was expected, and there were doubts of rather underground waters. Earlier was registered that water arrives on underground ways from the lake Chad in the Equatorial Africa whereas at present consider that there is a final geological education, sufficient for 100-700 years. Though the government initiated new projects to bring water of Nile to an oasis of Harga on the channel of Sheikh Zaid and conducts researches of underground waters under the desert in east Uveynat, many of new settlements still are half empty. The announcements calling farmers to lodge there, are not televised any more. Hopes of prosperity and caution of decline still as depend on whims of a hydrology and mood of inhabitants of oases, as well as during age-old times.