Tibet. Monasteries of China, temples, pagodas of Tibet
Tibet for eyelids keeps magnetic seducement for travellers. The Tibetan landscapes captivate the greatness and beauty, religious monuments and practicians captivate originality and touching, and local inhabitants submit kindliness and goodheartedness so here summer holiday in China is felt on the special. But the superficial reminiscence does not reflect reality: the past of Tibet is executed tragic element, its true breathes pain, and the future looks the dark. Those foreign guests that on ignorance wait to appear in romantic Shangri-La, quite often happen are very surprised with military and civilian domination of Chinese in the region, also the neighbourhood. In Tibet the most part of the population of China lives in poor hovels. The most available to tourists Tibetan the small town - Lhasa, Shigadze and Gyang-dze - entice guests the glorified monasteries (Dzhokang, Tashilumpo and Kumbum respectively) and the developed industry of tourism. Potal's palace in Lhasa remains for Europeans an emblem of Tibet, and not to inspect it, having appeared in the Tibetan capital, simply inexcusably. In Lhasa there is also a huge number of others, let and not so eminent, monuments and the sights, capable to occupy inquisitive travellers on a quantity of days. Plains Yarlung lying to the southeast and Chungje also have kept the most ancient monasteries of China and monuments, and their survey comfortably скооперировать with a trip to Samye's ancient monastery. So or on another, the trip across Tibet turns around expensive pleasure - the Chinese authorities aspire all methods to benefit from the tourist industry, обязуя tourists to take permissions to arrival to the region and limiting number of hotels (even the best hotels of China close) and the transport, serving tourists. Zabugornye the Tibetan organisations demand tourists, on ability, to take rounds from tibetets and to employ the Tibetan guides and conductors.
Summer holiday in China from Vladivostok. Spend this summer as usual – at a dacha, and in the centre of ancient Asian culture.