Huang He Tayan and Tai Shan. The mountain deity among the main sights of China
Tai Shan it is not simple the mountain which the religion of Old China appropriated special sense, this deity. Located in 100 km to the South from Tsinan and standing to the east of 4 other mountains (Huashan, two Henshanya and Sunshan), Tai Shan - the most esteemed from 5 sacred mountains даосов. It is famous for colourful landscapes and old monuments. Former there is purpose of pilgrimage of tsars and believers, now Tai Shan is in the status of the most popular religious sight of China and the card of Shandong. Certain sites of the track conducting to a top, have seriously suffered from the tourism industry, but as a whole an ascension to Tai Shan, though rather heavy and demanding physical preparation, makes invariable reminiscence.
The small town Tayan stretched at the bottom of the mountain, always flourished; assemblies of the pilgrims who were flown down here in an extent of centuries to do to honour to an unfortunate deity, provided to it comfortable existence. Hardly the most cheap rounds to China foresee visit of these places, but you can always agree on a place with excursion. If your trip to China without the aid of others is organised, you also can arrange for yourselves travel to Tai Shan. Soon you make sure of that, as now Tai Shan remains a popular place of pilgrimage of believers. In certain sacred days to a top Tayshanya direct to 10 тыщ the person, and once a year the city visit to half a million guests.
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