Hotel barkers and swindlers. Tourist trip to Egypt. Councils at a hotel choice in Egypt
Tourist trip to Egypt. Rest – not an occasion to lose attentiveness.
In Cairo the frauds newcomers tourists become which victims are frequent. It begins with the airport and bus terminals, and you should be accurate, if wish to avoid opposite situations. The purpose of swindlers consists in alluring the tourist in hotel which pays commission charges to the person bringing tourists, usually to the taxi driver or street to the barker. This sum, naturally, will be added to your account. The same hotels can then try to realise to you rounds to Luxor and Aswan at the overestimated cost or to entice you into shops of papyruses or perfumery, receiving in turn a certain percent from the sum spent by you. Certain from such shops conduct the trade it is not so affable. Voobshchem, the most part of shops of Cairo are impressive and work at an appropriate level, but it is necessary to hold in the head that is both absolutely others, and the nobility how to avoid similar places and the related problems, in an unpleasant case the tourist trip to Egypt leaves enough not pleasant memoirs. As you arrive to the airport of Cairo, even before you will pass customs, to you «tourist agents» with official badges with their photo can address. «The tourism ministry» will be the unique words written in English on these badges. What these people to you said, they do not work in the tourism ministry, and only they have a licence to work at the airport. They can try to assure you not to go to hotel which you have chosen to yourselves, they can even pretend that call in hotel to find out, whether there are there places. The voice on other end of phone can answer:« Excuse, now all places are occupied». Do not believe to it. It is not necessary to believe also it to "tourist agents» if they say to you that the hotel is closed or that it bad. Remember, to reserve hotel in Egypt, in any case, it is necessary beforehand, and to follow on arrival exclusively in that hotel where you already expect.
How to elect hotel in Egypt and not to get on dodges of swindlers?
Similarly, do not believe to taxi drivers (in particular what offer the services while you did not leave yet the airport) or any to "friendly strangers» who will start talking to you in the bus on the way to the city or on the street in the centre of Cairo. They will ask you where you go, and then will start to say that the hotel in what you wish тормознуть, is closed, dirty or darling but they know hotel which is better. If the driver of a taxi says to you that the hotel suitable you is closed, take other taxi. If you already go to the city, ask to plant you to Medan Tahrir or on Shary Tapaat Harb and pass other part of a way on foot. Barkers can approach also to you on the street and try to allure in other hotel, instead of in what you have chosen. Certain from them wander at ladders of favourite hotels when certain flights arrive, and can even be called as managers. Because to elect hotel in Egypt and not to get on dodges of swindlers? Remember, while you move on the small town with luggage, your external shape of only just arrived person will entice everyone the barker in Cairo. Certain from hotels which work with barkers, arrange also trading campaigns which purpose is to impose to the guests purchase of papyruses, perfumery, trips on horses and camels and, in most cases, trips to Luxor and Aswan. Try not to spoil own rest in Egypt hotels receive commission charges from everything that the tourist pays. The most part of hotels in the small town, naturally, sell excursions across Cairo or in more remote places, and these excursions are advertised at a rack. But any of decent hotels does not use importunate ways of sales to assure own guests to get such rounds, also does not overestimate cost to that degree as it do certain. In places where similar technicians of sales are used, round practically for certain will be more expensive still, and the most part of "excursions" will pass in visit of shops of papyruses and perfumery (which at all this will be called as "museums"), instead of those objects which you have arrived to have a look. Usually unclear operators sell round to Aswan to the Amigo Tours companies, quite often marketing it nothing to suspecting tourists with a margin in 300 percent and even more. Amigo Tours rounds with a big margin sell not only only cheap hotels, quite often same do also decent hotels. Tourism development in Egypt has expanded also abilities of swindlers. Our council: at first never stop in hotel which to you was recommended by the driver of a taxi or street invited, having preferred it to what you have chosen beforehand. In - 2-x, never buy round, without having shopped around. In - 3-x, replace hotel if there to you start to impose purchase of round or if there start up in barkers who try to take away you in shops of papyruses or perfumery. And in - 4-x, do not prepay more, than for one night that as required you could leave hotel the next day.
Not essentially, from where you go to Egypt from Omsk or from Moscow – never lose attentiveness. Swindlers are in the world, and they only and expect, when you will relax.