Excursions from Cairo Hillocks Mukattam and Vadi-Digla. Buses in Egypt will bring you in though what place — both to Vadi-Digl, and on Mukattam. Reviews of tourists of Egypt at present about these trips good
Buses in Egypt will take you to hillocks Mukkatam
The hillocks Mukattam towering about Cairo, are occasionally visited by tourists who have got the most cheap rounds to Egypt and have not attended to find round to Egypt which would include their visit. Here it is simple to reach by the bus No. 951 from Abdel Munim Riyad or No. 401 from Medan Atab. Moving up on slopes of hillocks by caves and the stone quarries destroyed часовен and posts of protection, buses in Egypt reach to Medinet-Mukattam, the magnificent suburb, повдоль which prospectuses country houses in Egypt and a casino were built. Cornysh Mukattama surrounding edge of a plateau, offers beautiful views of the Stronghold and a huge part of Cairo, also unforgettable show at sunset.
Reviews of tourists of Egypt at present: stone woods and picturesque canyons
Travellers of the Victorian era employed the conductor to get to the Stone woods - two places covered with broken zakamenevshy remains which belong as it is considered to an era of the Miocene. It is possible to get to greatest "wood" only with the guide, but amateur researchers can simply find «the small wood» on Dzhebel el-Hasab plateau, to the North from Digla-Ayn-Sukhna Road. Digla-Ayn-Sukhna Road turns on the East from high-speed Ravniny Nile Route about Zebaleen's village for Maadi. Approximately in 25 km from turn you will pass by Dzhebel el-Hasaba at the left. Continuing movement, you will notice the different roads going on the right which incorporate then to the main road on the desert, going in the direction the East-West. Moving to the West, back to Digla, you will pass through some zigzag drive, and then your road will be blocked by Vadi-Digla. As reviews of tourists of Egypt, at present this canyon testify is comfortable for rock-climbing and supervision over birds. What to take in a trip to Egypt here? By all means waters, food and awning.
Rounds to Egypt from Odessa – beautiful possibility the eyes to behold Africa.