Dalmatia. The peninsula Hung. The city Hung
Hung it is placed in rather nice district and represents the silent arch of grey-brown lodges in the deepest gear bay over which the abrupt slope with the remains of the thrown agricultural terraces rises. In particular the area to the East from harbour in the suburb Kut with very narrow paved small streets of the XVI century where representatives of generous estate built of Hvar summer housing is fascinating. In 1 km the tiny English military cemetery, and here nearby a fine stony beach from here has settled down. If to go to the West from the gulf, soon it is possible to approach to the small peninsula where about cypresses separately standing belltower of the Franciscan monastery St. Iyeronima gracefully rises. Tourist's bureau (May - сент. ежедн. 8. 00-14. 00 and 17. 00-20. 00; окт. - the Agrarian Party of Russia. pn-pt 8. 00-14. 00, 021/717 114, www. tz-vis. hr) is placed is sensitive more to the right of pier. The personal dwelling can be ordered in Ionios about Obala Sv. Jurja 37 (021/711 531, ionios@st. hinet. hr). Best of hotels - the stately construction constructed at a turn of centuries, Tamaris on the embankment about Obala Sv. Jurja 20 (021/711 350, tamaris@st. t-com. hr;) and an institution much less the pansionny Paula type (021/711 362,) about Petra Hektorovica 2 in Kuta. Promptly it is possible to have a bite in good Katerina pizzerias at pier, and to regale on gifts of the sea offer the institutions Pojoda and Vatrica in Kuta.