Bakharys oasis Baviti Baviti
In БАВИТИ the picturesque kernel from starenky houses on a crest which look at beautiful palm groves has remained, but at arrival you do not see it. The earth located below about the road Cairo-Farafra is covered with incomplete constructions of the project the Brand new plain which break movement of donkeys, but not shabby cafes and shops which revive the main Baviti Street.
Practically everything that from the practical point of view can be useful, it is possible to find here, and buses from Cairo or Farafra land you directly in the centre. Old vedovy cars make the way on streets between tractors and ladies in veils, by ranks of coffee houses, shops of tools and vegetables and, in the far end, a mosque. The street booming, dusty and not rather paying attention to tourists is worthy of it to pass on it if the sun not so bakes though the most part of tourists prefer to be focused on several museums and objects which for local inhabitants are minor, except those who has monetary enthusiasm in that you have got on them. Competition in Baviti's tourist business same as in Luxor, and you are besieged immediately by representatives of the competing companies who will try to persuade you тормознуть in their hotel or to register in their rounds.
Baviti's shops sell fintiflyushka and scenery (made in Cairo), carpets, dresses and blankets (from Kerdassa) both wattled baskets and plates, crystals and minerals from the oasis. A quite good place to get local products, the Girls Workshop shop about a cemetery is. It is necessary to visit oasis Gallery in the desert where trustful painting is exposed, and Farid Atiya bookshop where books with a photo, cards and the prints devoted to Egypt are on sale.