Using gret l for Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition
Wage Equation
Below you will find a script that reproduces the results from the wage equation example in section 4.5.2 of POE4. In this example the log-linear model is used to measure the approximate
open "@gretldirdatapoecps4_small. gdt"
2 series l_wage = log(wage)
3 ols l_wage const educ
4 scalar lb = $coeff(educ) - 1.96 * $stderr(educ)
5 scalar ub = $coeff(educ) + 1.96 * $stderr(educ)
6 print lb ub
The regression results are:
Lwage = 1.60944 + 0.0904082 educ
(0.086423) (0.0061456)
T = 1000 R2 = 0.1774 F(1, 998) = 216.41 a = 0.52661
(standard errors in parentheses)
and the 95% confidence intervals for the slope is
Variable Coefficient 95% confidence interval educ 0.0904082 0.0783484 0.102468
That is, an additional year of education is worth between 7.8% and 10.2% wage increases annually. Sign me up!