These need only be softwood and require no vices but here again they should be strong, steady and truly level. Separate benches for gluing up, especially for the hand-coating of glue on veneers, etc., are probably a luxury but well worth the extra space if it can be provided, for resin glues set glass hard and have an unholy knack of badly scarring finished surfaces if allowed to harden on working-tops. Oilstones and bench-grinders also deserve a special bench or table, preferably with metal-lined top, and placed in the most convenient position with equal access for every maker. This saves litter on work-benches and helps to keep the surfaces clean.
A long slot for hand-tools is provided at the back of the standard bench, but wall-mounted racks over the bench are more convenient and leave the bench-top free for wide work. At least two saw-horses (Figure 126) are needed for supporting planks while crosscutting, also two low stools of similar construction 12 in (304 mm) high and with 9 in (228 mm) wide tops as stands for carcasses in the making; a low platform - trolley on stout castors is invaluable for moving furniture or heavy planks. Cramping/clamping devices should be conveniently racked for immediate use, with G-cramps/C-clamps hung in graded sizes on pegs or long nails, and sash - cramps either from wall-pegs or in a special rack (Figure 127). Other items necessary will be dustsheets for the protection of finished work; softening blankets for bench-tops to protect delicate surfaces (ex-army blankets are excellent); a good pair of scales with some additional small weights for resin glues; dusting - brushes or a portable electric blower which is also invaluable for cleaning machines; rubber rollers for spreading glue; a few metal-worker's tools including an engineer's vice; innumerable
91 cm |
126 Saw-horse |
127 Cramp/clamp-rack
small containers—tins, jars, etc.—for mixing small quantities of flue; old newspapers or cellophane sheets for press-work; soft rag. . . the list is well-nigh endless, but three months' actual working will provide the answers.