. Summary of time varying NAIRUs in the Nordic countries

In sum, for all three countries, we obtain stable empirical wage equations over the period 1964-94 (Denmark 1968-94). Nor do we detect changes in explana­tory variables in the wage-setting that can explain the rise in unemployment (as indicated by absence of an increasing trend in the AWSU indicator in Figure 6.4). The instability of the NAWRU estimate appears to be an arte­fact of a mis-specified underlying wage equation, and is not due to instability in the wage-setting itself. Note also that the conclusion is not specific to the NAWRU but extends to other methods of estimating a time varying NAIRU: as long as the premise of these estimations are that any significant changes in the NAIRU is due to changes in wage (or price) setting, they also have as a common implication that the conditional wage equations in Table 6.2 should be unstable. Since they are not, a class of models is seen to be inconsistent with the evidence.

The results bring us back to the main question: should empirical macroeco­nomic modelling be based on the natural rate doctrine? The evidence presented

in this section more than suggests that there is a negative answer to this ques­tion. Instead we might conclude that if the equilibrium level of unemployment is going to be a strong attractor of actual unemployment, without displaying incredible jumps or unreasonably strong drift, the dichotomy between struc­tural supply-side factors and demand-side influences has to be given up. In the next section, we outline a framework that goes beyond the natural rate model.

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