Природные процессы. бестопливной энергетики



It's traditionally concerned that it is fuel that burns. It has "gived from above" property of heat creating. This is used to calculate the power of thermoradiation during burning and fast burning (explosion).

From Lavoisier time (1773) burning process explained as chemical reaction of fuel oxidation. And this leads to today's methods of burning process optimization both in fuel economy and ecology and toxic combustion products.

For optimization of burning processes now uses different fuel additives, catalysts, fuel rails and nozzles, fuel-air ratio regulators and so on. All this methods allows 5-10% fuel economy, which is close equal to measurement accuracy. Also decreased volume of toxic combustion products except carbon dioxide and exhaust temperature.

It's well known that oxidant – pure oxygen explodes with presence of small quantities of hydrocarbons – fuel, oil, organics. The huge explosion power doesn't correspond to calorific value of such microdozes of, for example, oil, that leads to the explosion. More that this, oxygen is explosive by itself – forced with strong strike, another explosion, exposure and so on. This shows that is not the fuel that burns but oxidant (oxygen) does, like if there no need of fuel.

In accordance with the facts above and well-known physical phenomenon developed a new mechanism of burning. Shortly, in burning process fuel is donors free electrons into the plasma (flame). Into the plasma free electrons, electrified minus, electrodynamicaly interacts with ions (atoms) of oxygen, electrified plus, tear out of his surface positive charged particles. Departing at high speed, this particles give the kinetic energy to plasma and heats it, and leave out as photons (light). This way atom of oxygen gets defect of mass, amount of 10-6%. Such insignificant defect of mass easily restored natural way and lets oxygen saves his chemical properties. From this point it's clear that burning reaction is no other than atomic process of disintegration of oxygen (kind of nuclear reaction). Wasted all energy, raw products transforms into combustion products – oxides. So, the oxidation is not the cause and not the nature of combustion but the result.

The main point of this theory is to somehow break molecules of oxygen and nitrogen (from air) itself and then use obtained electrons instead of electrons received from fuel. Then we can decrease fuel consumption even to exclude it at all.

From this modern combustion theory we can derive methods of catalytic dissociation of oxygen and nitrogen to atoms and free electrons. This methods include treating of intake air by the magnetic, electric, optic radiation and some others. A number of devices was developed and tested based on this theory, which is patented both design and theory. This devices allows decrease fuel consumption by 2 and more times. Further tests and development will allow exclude fuel at all. In such "fuelless" engines advisable to use common substances like air. This will be most "ecological" engine: all toxic combustion products will be replaced with water vapor and so on.

It's necessary to further develop and test this theory to get industrial production of such devices/engines. And it certain should be done with perfect lab equipment and tech base. But the result will be an ability to produce not only auto engines but all types of combustion and gas-turbine engines.

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