parenting babble

Here’s A Great Summer Reading List For Kids

Every Summer my kids finish sorting the last of their school papers and swear on my yet-to-be-filled grave they’ll never touch another book as long as they live.  The kids and I know what they say isn’t true because usually the very week they finish school we head to the city’s public library to sign up for the summer reading program.  The books my kids choose to read in the summer though, well, they have a different flavor than the school-time tomes they bring home.  The summer ones always seem to feel lighter, fluffier, more fun.  My daughter is reading a ton of good YA fiction, and my son is all over the proverbial map. So, once I wrangle the kids into the library where do I guide them?  First, I always take the kids to the appropriate librarian (YA, kids, etc.) to grab a printed up list of age-appropriate book recommendations.  Usually the kids take it from there, but we check in with the librarians all summer to get more ideas.  Here’s the list I’ll be using for my little 9-year-old guy this summer. /Haddon
Warrior (series) /Nimmo
The Magic Thief (series) /Prineas
Harry Potter (series)
Number the Stars / Lowry
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (series)
Big Nate (series) / Peirce
Millions, Billions, Trillions: Understanding Big Numbers / Adler
Shimmer Splash: The Sparkling World of Sea Life /Arnosky
Dinosaurs in Your Backyard / Brewster
Citizen Scientists: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery from Your Own Backyard  / Burns
// Find Allison on her blog Petit Elefant, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram //
What do you read with your kids during the summer?  Do you sign up for local summer reading programs or read on your own?  I’d love to hear!

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