Федеральные, промышленные и университетские
Д. Л. Мерц, А. Эмис[71]
Федеральные и промышленные научно-исследовательские программы
California Molecular Electronics Corporation (CALMEC): Molecular Electronics
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA): The Ultra Electronics Program (Http://www. darpa. mil/mto/ultra/index. html)
Foresight Institute: Nanotechnology (Http://www. foresight. org);
(Http://www. nanothinc. com/) Hewlett Packard Lab: Teramak Program
IBM: Nanotech program
(Http://www. almaden. ibm. com/vis/vis_lab. html), with its corresponding laboratory abroad, Zurich Research Laboratory, where research is underway on microscopy at the atomic level
MITRE Corporation: Nanoelectronics and nanocomputing
(Http://www. mitre. org/technology/nanotech) Molecular Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. (MMEI) Molecular Nanotechnology NanoLogic, Inc.: Integration of nanotechnology into computers
Nanophase Technologies Corporation
NanoPowders Industries (NPI)
Nanotechnology Development Corporation
NASA: Nanotechnology, nanoelectronics (Http://www. ipt. arc. nasa. gov)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):
Nanostructure fabrication Naval Research Laboratory (NRL): Nanoelectronics processing facility
National Science Foundation (NSF): Partnership in Nanotechnology; Nanoscale processes in biological systems (updated programs on the Web site: Http://www. nsf. gov/nano) Office of Naval Research (ONR): Nanotechnology, nanoelectronics Raytheon Co.: Nanoelectronics
Texas Instruments: projects on QMOS program and TSRAM (tunneling-based static RAM)
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC): Nanotechnology, molecular nanotechnology (Http://nano. xerox. com/nano)
Zyvex Co.: Molecular manufacturing
Arizona State University: Nanostructure Research Group
CalTech: Materials and Process Simulation Center (Http://www. theory. caltech. edu/~quic/index. html)
Cornell University: Cornell Nanofabrication Facility
(Http://www. nnf. cornell. edu); NSF Science and Technology Center for Nanobiotechnology (Http://www. research. cornell. edu/nanobiotech/)
Georgia Institute of Technology: Nanocrystal Research Laboratory; nanostructure optoelectronics
Johns Hopkins University: Center for Nanostructured Materials (Http://www. pha. jhu. edu/groups/mrsec/main. html)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: NanoStructures Laboratory (Http://www-mtl. mit. edu/MTL/NSL. htmi)
National User Facilities (NSF sponsored) in x-ray synchrotron radiation, neutron scattering, and high magnetic fields provide access to major facilities for the benefit of researchers in a wide range of science and engineering fields including nanoscience and engineering (Http://www. nsf. gov/mps/dmr/natfacil. htm)
New Jersey Institute of Technology: Nonlinear Nanostructures Laboratory (NNL)
NNUN, a partnership involving NSF and five universities (Cornell University, Stanford University, UC Santa Barbara, Penn State
University and Howard University) (see Section 11.7.4 below and Http://www. nnun. org/)
Oxford Nanotechnology (MA): Molecular nanotechnology, nanolithography
Pennsylvania State University: Nanotechnology
Princeton University: Nanostructure Laboratory
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Nanolab
Rice University: Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (fullerenes)
Stanford University: Stanford National Nanofabrication Users Network (NNUN) (Http://snf. stanford. edu/NNUN); (Http://feynman. stanford. edu/qcomp)
University of California, Santa Barbara: NSF Science and
Technology Center for Quantized Electronic Structures (QUEST) (Http://www. quest. ucsb. edu)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Beckman Institute (Http:// html); Molecular and Electronic Nanustructures Group
University of Notre Dame: Center for Nanoscience and Technology
University of Washington: Center for Nanotechnology
University of Wisconsin at Madison: Center for Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces (Http://mrsec. wisc. edu)
Washington State University: Nanotechnology Think Tank
Yale University: Optoelectronic structures/nanotechnology