Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Econometrics
The Uniform Distribution and Its Relation to the Standard Normal Distribution
As we have seen before in Chapter 1, the uniform [0,1] distribution has density
f (x) = 1 for 0 < x < 1, f (x) = 0 elsewhere.
More generally, the uniform [a, b] distribution (denoted by U[a, b]) has density
where U and U2 are independent U[0, 1] distributed. Then Xj and X2 are
independent, standard normally distributed. This method is called the Box - Muller algorithm.
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The x2 distribution is a special case of a Gamma distribution. The density of the Gamma distribution is
This distribution is denoted by Г (а, в). Thus, the x2 distribution is a Gamma distribution with a = n/2 and в = 2.
The Gamma distribution has moment-generating function
тг(а, в)(0 = [1 - ві]-a, t < 1/в (4.44)
and characteristic function (рГ(а, в'() = [1 - в • i • t]—a - Therefore, the Г(а, в) distribution has expectation ав and variance ав2.
The Г(а, в) distribution with a = 1 is called the exponential distribution.
1. Derive (4.2).
2. Derive (4.4) and (4.5) directly from (4.3).
3. Derive (4.4) and (4.5) from the moment-generating function (4.6).
4. Derive (4.8), (4.9), and (4.10).
5. If X is discrete and Y = g(x), do we need to require that g be Borel measurable?
6. Prove the last equality in (4.14).
7. Prove Theorem 4.1, using characteristic functions.
8. Prove that (4.25) holds for all four cases in (4.24).
9. Let X be a random variable with continuous distribution function F(x). Derive the distribution of Y = F(X).
10. The standard normal distribution has density f(x) = exp(-x2/2)Д/2л, x є К. Let X1 and X2 be independent random drawings from the standard normal distribution involved, and let Y1 = X1 + X2, Y2 = X1 — X2. Derive the joint density h(y1, y2) of Y1 and Y2, and show that Y1 and Y2 are independent. Hint: Use Theorem 4.3.
11. The exponential distribution has density f (x) = 9—1 exp(-x /9) if x > 0 and f (x) = 0 if x < 0, where 9 > 0 is a constant. Let X1 and X2 be independent random drawings from the exponential distribution involved and let Y1 = X1 + X2, Y2 = X1 — X2. Derive the joint density h( y1, y2) of Y1 and Y2. Hints: Determine first the support {(y1, y2)T є К2 : h(y1, y2) > 0} of h(y1, y2) and then use Theorem 4.3.
12. Let X ~ N(0, 1). Derive E[X2k] for k = 2, 3, 4, using the moment-generating function.
13. Let X1, X2,..., Xn be independent, standard normally distributed. Show that (1/»E"j=1 Xj is standard normally distributed.
14. Prove (4.31).
15. Show that for t < 1 /2, (4.33) is the moment-generating function of (4.34).
16. Explain why the moment-generating function of the tn distribution does not exist.
17. Prove (4.36).
18. Prove (4.37).
19. Let X1, X2,..., Xn be independent, standard Cauchy distributed. Show that (1/n)Ej=1 Xj is standard Cauchy distributed.
20. The class of standard stable distributions consists of distributions with char
acteristic functions of the type p(t) = exp(—|t |a/a), where а є (0, 2]. Note that the standard normal distribution is stable with а = 2, and the standard Cauchy distribution is stable with а = 1. Show that for a random sample X1, X2, Xn from a standard stable distribution with parameter a, the ran
dom variable Yn = n—1/a 'Yl’j=1 Xj has the same standard stable distribution (this is the reason for calling these distributions stable).
21. Let X and Y be independent, standard normally distributed. Derive the distribution of X/Y.
22. Derive the characteristic function of the distribution with density exp(—|x |)/2, —ж < x < ж.
23. Explain why the moment-generating function of the Fm, n distribution does not exist.
24. Prove (4.44).
25. Show that if U and U2 are independent U[0, 1] distributed, then X1 and X2 in (4.43) are independent, standard normally distributed.
26. If X and Y are independent Г(1, 1) distributed, what is the distribution of X-Y ?
4. A. Tedious Derivations Derivation of (4.38):
пГ((п + 1)/2) f x2/n,
^ППГ(п/2) J (1 + x2/n)(n+1)/2 dX
пГ((п + 1)/2) Г 1 + x2/n d
4ПЛГ{п/2) ] (1 + x2/п)(п+1)/2 dX
пГ((п + 1)/2W 1 d
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^пЛГ(п/2) J (1 + x2/п)(п+1)/2
пГ((п - 1)/2 + 1) Г(п/2 - 1) п
--------------------------------------------- п = --------- .
Г(п/2) Г((п - 1)/2) п - 2
In this derivation I have used (4.36) and the fact that
1 = j h^2(x)dx
_ Г((п - 1)/2) f _________ 1________ dx
Мп - 2)пГ((п - 2)/2) J (1 + x2 /(п - 2))(п-1)/2 x
= Г((п - 1)/2W 1 d
^ЛГ((п - 2)/2) J (1 + x2)(п-і)/2
Derivation of (4.40): For m > 0, we have
2П J exp(
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1 f 1 f
— I exp[-(1 + i ■ x)t]dt +------ I exp[-(1 — i ■ x)t]dt
2n J 2n J
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2n (1 — i ■ x)
1 exp(—m)
n (1 + x2) n (1 + x2)
Letting m ^ to, we find that (4.40) follows. Derivation of (4.41):
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hm, n (x) Hm, n (x)
yn/2 1 exp(— y/2) .
X T(n/2)2n/1 d
mm/2 xm/2—1
nm/2 Y(m/2)Y(n/2) 2m/2+n/2
Xf y",2+"2—[1+mx/n] y/2) dy
mm /2 xm/2 1
nm/2 Y(m/2)Y(n/2) [1 + m ■ x/n]m/2+n/2
x j zm/2+n/2—X exp (—z) dz
mm/2 Y(m/2 + n/2) xm/2—1
nm/2 Y(m/2)Y(n/2) [1 + m ■ x/n]m/2+n/2 ’
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Derivation of (4.42): It follows from (4.41) that
hence, if k < n /2, then
J xk hm, n (x)dx 0
mm/2 Tim/2 + n/2) f xm/2 + k-1
—_______________ і _________________ dx
nm/1 T(m/2)T(n/2) J (1 + m ■ x/n)m/2 + n/2
)k Tm/2 + nmf_______ xm + *<r--1_____
T(m/2)T(n/2)j (1 + x)(m + Ml2 + (n - ЖГ-
T(m/2 + k)T(n/2 - к)
T(m /2)T(n/2)
nk=0(m /2+j )
Ytj=1(n/2 - j )’
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where the last equality follows from the fact that, by (4.36), T(a + k) = T(a) nk=0(« + J) for a > 0. Thus,
= to if n < 4.
The results in (4.42) follow now from (4.46) and (4.47).
For notational convenience I will prove Theorem 4.4 for the case k = 2 only. First note that the distribution of Y is absolutely continuous because, for arbitrary Borel sets B in K2,
P[Y є B] = P [G(X) є B] = P [X є G-1(B)] = j f(x)dx.
If B has Lebesgue measure zero, then, because G is a one-to-one mapping, the Borel set A = G-1(B) has Lebesgue measure zero. Therefore, Y has density
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h(y), for instance, and thus for arbitrary Borel sets B in K2,
Choose a fixed y0 = (y0>1, y0,2)T in the support G(K2) of Y such that x0 = G-1(y0) is a continuity point of the density f of X and y0 is a continuity point of the density h of Y. Let Y(5b «2) = [y0,1, У0,1 + «1] x [70,2, У0,2 + «2] for
some positive numbers 51 and 52. Then, with X the Lebesgue measure
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P [Y є Y(51,52)]
and similarly,
P [Y є Y(5b 52)] >( inf f(G-1(y))) X(G-1(Y(51, 52))).
yeY(31,«2) /
It follows now from (4.48) and (4.49) that P [Y є Y(51,52)]
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51 52
It remains to show that the latter limit is equal to |det[ J(y0)] |.
If we let G-1 (y) = (g* ( y), gf( y))T, it follows from the mean value theorem that for each element g*(y) there exists a Xj є [0, 1] depending on y and y0 such that g*(y) = g*У0) + JjУ0 + Xj(y - y0))(y - У0), where Jj(y) is the jth row of J(y). Thus, writing
D ( )_ ( J1(y0 + X1(y - y0)) - J1(y0)£
0(Л~ J2(y0 + X2(y - y0)) - J2(y0) J
= J0(y) - J(y0), (4.51)
for instance, we have G-1(y) = G-1(y0) + J(y0)(y - y0) + D0(y)(y - y0). Now, put A = J(y0)-1 and b = y0 - J(y0)-1 G-1(y0). Then,
G-1(y) = A-1(y - b) + D0(y)(y - y0);
G-1(Y(«i,«2)) = {x є К2:x
= A-1(y - b) + D0(y)(y - yo), y є Y(5i, «2)}-
The matrix A maps the set (4.53) onto A[G-1(Y(5i,52))]
= {x є К2 : x = y - b + A ■ D0(y)(y - У0), y є Y(«i, «2)},
where for arbitrary Borel sets B conformable with a matrix A, A [ B ] = {x : x = Ay, y є B}. Because the Lebesgue measure is invariant for location shifts (i. e., the vector b in (4.54)), it follows that
X (A[G-1(Y(«i, «2))])
= X ({x є К2 : x = y + A ■ D0(y)(y - y0), y є Y(«i, «2)}) -
Observe from (4.51) that
A ■ Do(y) = J(yo)-1 Do(y) = J(yo)-1 Jo(y) - I2 (4.56)
lim J(yo)-1 J o(y) = I2- (4.57)
X (A[G-1(Y(«i,«2))])
= X ({x є К2 : x = yo + J(yo)-1 Jo(у)(У - Уо), y є Y(«i, «2)}) -
It can be shown, using (4.57), that
X (A[G-1(Y(«i,«2))]) lim lim —1 -—- 1
5i4-0 «24-0 X (Y(«i,«2))
Recall from Appendix I that the matrix A can be written as A = QDU, where Q is an orthogonal matrix, D is a diagonal matrix, and U is an upper-triangular matrix with diagonal elements all equal to 1. Let B = (0, 1) x (0, 1). Then it is not hard to verify in the 2 x 2 case that U maps B onto a parallelogram U[B] with the same area as B; hence, X(U[B]) = X(B) = 1. Consequently, the Lebesgue measure ofthe rectangle D[B] is the same as the Lebesgue measure of the set D[U [ B]]. Moreover, an orthogonal matrix rotates a set of points around the origin, leaving all the angles and distances the same. Therefore, the set A [B]
has the same Lebesgue measure as the rectangle D[B] :k(A[B]) = k(D[B ]) = |det[D]| = |det[A]|. Along the same lines, the following more general result can be shown:
Lemma 4.B.1: For a k x k matrix A and a Borel set B in Kk, к(A[B]) = |det[A] |к(B), where к is the Lebesgue measure on the Borel sets in Kk.
Thus, (4.59) now becomes
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limlim к (A[G"(V№.fe))])
|det[ A]|
|det[ A-1]| = |det[J(^0)]|- (4.60)
Theorem 4.4 follows now from (4.50) and (4.60).