Built form and Culture

People from different cultural backgrounds view the built environment in different ways. Correlations between furniture, culture, and use develop into complex associations between built form and cul­ture. Culture is a …


Modernism is more than a style. It is a philosophical way of thinking about architecture and design. It came into being in an emerging industrial world that rapidly embraced mechanization. …


What distinctions can be made between aesthetics, a personal reaction to physical or visual stimuli and is subjec­tive. Pleasure is revealed by sensation through the tactile nature of materials, finishes, …


Utility must precede beauty. Christopher Dresser, "General Principles of Ornament," The Furniture Gazette, London, 1877, pp. 173-174. Commodity (utilitas) is determined from a range of observations and experiences based on …


For years, architectural theories were dependent on three interrelated terms—firmness, commodity, and delight. The Latin terms of origin firmitas, utilitas, and venustas are attrib­uted to Vitruvius's text, The Ten Books …

Systems theory

Systems theory sprang from the origin of human factors engineering—a view primarily interested in looking at everything as a complex series of interrelated systems. Everything is, in a sense, a …

Furniture Design Theory

theory • A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena. A belief or principle that guides action or assists comprehension or judgment.1 INQUIRY …

Lessons from the 25 furniture case Studies

What recurring themes or cumulative lessons are apparent from the furniture studies? Some furnishings were the first to use a specific material or a new fabrication technology. Some pieces have …

An investigation of digital design and digital fabrication processes

Date: 2006 Digital technology and CNC fabrication techniques have become a reliable source for producing complex forms with little concern for the material being used or the waste that is …

Riverside Architectural Millwork (production model)


Social, sustainable, and environmental design strategies

Date: 2004 Since 2004, Emiliano Godoy has worked on the design of furniture made with knitted pieces of wood (Figure 4.101). This project started while Godoy was studying industrial design …

It will age, and one day—when I am no more—disappear

He transformed into mortal clay or ashes.17 The design is a solid wooden cube. The sitting surface is concave over grooves that are convex—the lower and upper parts of a …

Furniture Case Studies

In this chapter, 25 furniture case studies are organized chronologically. Text descriptions, computer-rendered images, hand drawings, and photographs help present the context and background, tectonics, and aesthetics of the studies. …

. Mechanical (Transformative Pieces)

Mechanical joinery can allow furniture to transform into different shapes, as shown in the American drop-leaf table (Figure 3.45). The classic American colonial chair-table was an armed chair resembling a …


Most furnishings are freestanding, but relatively few are designed to be experienced in the round. Beds, couches, case goods, and rectangular tables are often placed against a wall or next …


When built-in furniture is carefully inte­grated with its surrounding space, it can enhance the continuity of the architec­ture. Built-in casework and millwork require on-site installation and mechani­cal attachment to a …


Order results from the confluence of ideas present in the conception and development of design. Furniture is nearly always movable, but not all furnishings are designed to move easily. Furniture …


Lines are made by connecting two or more points and generally are conceived as being straight (Figure 3.34), but they also curve, warp, and transform, as illustrated in Bookworm, designed …


Clustered arrangements are apparent whenever a group of three or more elements (or axial orientations) share the same field (Figure 3.30). Many office systems are designed to enable a broad …

. Centralized

Centralized spatial order draws focus toward the center of a space. The interior of Eero Saarinen's chapel at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology relies on three elements to draw the …

Spatial Organization

Space is the medium that architects, designers, and artists use to compose form. Space and form are codependent. Without space, form would not exist, and without form, space could not …


Orthogonal furniture is composed of rectangular geometric forms cre­ated by lines, planes, and volumes positioned at 90 degrees to one another. Armoires, beds, buffets, shelving, and sofas are often orthogo­nal …


Inflated therapy balls (gym balls) are simple curvilinear forms (Figure 3.17). Gym balls have neither front nor side, unless implied by surface treatment, seams, or branding logos. They offer a …


Furnishings that utilize two or more geometric systems, such as curvilinear and orthogonal, or two or more distinct materials such as stone and wood in one piece are considered com­posite. …

. Form, Spatial Organization, and Typological Orders

This chapter focuses on the physical and spatial characteristics of furniture and is organized in three parts: Form, Spatial Organization, and Typological Orders. FORM Form constitutes the physical structure and …

Storage Furniture: Containing, Organizing, and Accessing

The significance of a container is often related to the significance of its contents. It is not surprising, then, that the quality and value of jewelry and other personal collections …

Retail Furniture: Displaying, Storing, Transactions, and Sales

Retail furnishings should be flexible, durable, and require low mainte­nance, but above all else, they need to promote the sale of merchan­dise. In addition to the design of product storage …

Dining, and Organizing

A home can be considered an organized closet, shaped by personal possessions and members of a family. Residential furniture provides the basic necessities of dwelling and includes freestanding and built-in …

Furniture in a Mosque

Within a mosque, the mihrab, minbar, and prayer rug are liturgical elements designed for worship. The minbar is a high pulpit, an elevated structure from which the khutba (an Islamic …

Religious (Liturgical) Furniture: Altars, Arks, and Minbars

Religious environments and the practice of unique rituals require specific furnishings. Liturgical furniture is determined by collective ritual practices that help structure how a given set of people worship together. …

Recreational Furniture: Play, Leisure, and Outdoor Furnishings

Play and Leisure Poker tables, foosball tables, and Ping-Pong™ tables are equip­ment and gaming furniture designed for leisure and play. Concepts of health, safety, and welfare have transformed the landscape …

Office Furniture: Ergonomic Seating, Workstations, and Systems Furniture

Office furniture constitutes a large segment of the furniture industry. The U. S. office furniture industry has grown significantly over the past 20 years, reaching $12 billion in gross sales …

Multifunctional Furniture: Sit-Work, Sit-Sleep, and Store-Display

Furniture becomes multifunctional the moment we toss clothes on a chair or sit on a table. Tabletops function as places to set items and serve as places to eat, drink, …

Institutional Furniture: Education

Institutional furnishings are used in classrooms, libraries, and training facili­ties. The phrase contract furniture is used to describe institutional furniture. On occasion, institutional furnishings are custom designed for specific places, …

Lobby and Reception Furniture

Lobbies and reception areas are social-centered places that draw people together for rela­tively short periods of time (Figure 2.32). Verner Panton's Living Tower (1969) is composed of interrelated components that …

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