Financial Econometrics and Empirical Market Microstructure
Quality Analysis of the Models
Stylized facts are a good test for the identification of model quality, but another
important aspect is parity of basic market characteristics:
1. Returns. It is a well-known fact that simple Brownian motion does not allow the generation of heavy tails of distribution. The ZI model can generate fat tails, but the MF and Daniels models (in our case) can generate more heavy tails than in reality. It is interesting that MFWC generated returns, but without heavy tails (Fig. 10).
2. Distribution of spread. Farmer et al. (2005, 2006) in their research concentrated on spread. The spread of our model is not like the empirical one, but with heavy tails in their distribution (Fig. 11).
3. Cancellation time. The order cancellation process plays an important role in asset pricing, so it is important that its lifetime has heavy tails. The order cancellation process in the MF model shows complicated behavior, which is conditional on different market characteristics (just this process leads to a fat tail in an order’s life) (Fig. 12).
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