Enterprise and Small Business Principles
Leadership in practice
As mentioned earlier, the leader gets a task completed by developing good relationships with colleagues and harnessing their combined resources. According to Appell (1984: 173), it is the leader’s task to ‘arouse and unite followers towards a common goal. A true leader fulfills this function by being aware of changing group needs, by arousing these needs so that they become transformed into demands. . . and by organising the group so that these demands can be met through group action’. The leader ‘arouses and unites’ colleagues by:
■ listening to them and gaining their respect and trust;
■ being friendly and approachable but remaining sufficiently distant to exert authority;
■ treating them as equals without losing the capacity to exert authority;
■ paying attention to their individual as well as their collective needs;
■ involving them in agreeing objectives, reviewing results, solving problems, etc.;
■ representing their interests.
Colleagues’ resources are harnessed by ensuring they:
■ fully understand their goals and objectives and, as far as possible, are involved in determining them;
■ know how they are going to achieve these objectives and are party to deciding and agreeing the course of action to be taken;
■ are empowered to make decisions;
■ know and agree the control to be exercised over them;
■ are aware of the rewards and penalties of not achieving their objectives;
■ trust and respect the leader’s judgement.