Enterprise and Small Business Principles

Corporate entrepreneurship

Dylan Jones-Evans

14.1 Introduction

To compete effectively in dynamic and fast-changing world markets, many large organ­isations are adopting more innovative and enterprising approaches to management. One of these approaches is the development of entrepreneurship within a corporate environment, generally known as intrapreneurship. This chapter will define the con­cept of intrapreneurship, especially the difference between developing entrepreneurial practices in a large firm and a new venture. It will examine the barriers that exist in creating an intrapreneurial culture within a corporate setting and discuss some of the main factors that lead to the creation of a climate for intrapreneurship within an organ­isation. The specific characteristics of intrapreneurs will also be discussed and contrasted with corporate managers and entrepreneurs. Finally, the chapter will examine the importance of organisational learning to the development of a more entrepreneurial organisation and some of the key factors necessary to develop a learning business.

14.2 Learning objectives

There are six learning objectives in this chapter:

1 To identify the main differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.

2 To understand the key differences between a corporate and intrapreneurial culture within an organisation.

3 To understand the factors which can lead to intrapreneurship within the organisation.

4 To examine the barriers to intrapreneurship within a corporate setting.

5 To describe the personal and business characteristics of intrapreneurs.

6 To understand the importance of learning in encouraging entrepreneurship within organisations.

Key concepts

■ intrapreneurship ■ corporate entrepreneurship ■ organisations ■ management

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