Diffusion Screen Design
The performance of diffusion screens is based on the diffuser particles in the screen and the colour tint of the base material. The diffusion screens are divided into two groups:

FIGURE 4.23 Large screen cube wall installed in a curved arrangement. (See colour insert.)

FIGURE 4.24 Installation of a very large DLP cube wall. (See colour insert.)

FIGURE 4.25 Optical screen and diffusion screens.
Current Single-Element Screen
Current Two-Element Screen

FIGURE 4.26 Single-element screen showing reflection light loss.

FIGURE 4.27 Projected images from a single-element optical screen.
Levers are activated either by the whole hand or just by the fingers. In general, where fine control is needed, only the fingers should be used. The following recommendations apply …
These can be divided into two categories: cylindrical and winged. The primary difference between these is that the winged version has a pair of ‘wings’ above the cylindrical part. The …
Toggle switches can be used to show two or three positions. Where there are three positions, one should be up, the middle one straight out, and the other one downwards. …