Generalized Hooke’s eco-law for unidirectional ply

In high-performance composite structures, structural components are manufactured mainly from unidirectional fibre-reinforced plies, where the ply axes are identified in the principal coordinate system with numbers 1, 2 and 3. …

Eco-characterisation of composite materials

To further explain this approach, let us consider a simple standard material characterisation test under uniaxial mechanical tension, chosen because it is the easiest and most convenient mechanical test (Attaf, …

Material eco-characterisation and advanced eco-formulations

Throughout the design process, it is considered that the condition of intersection between Q, H & E is always performed, so the product of the associated eco-coefficients. For notation simplicity, …

Multidimensional optimisation software tool

Given the complexity of the optimisation process, which has to be applied in each phase involved in the design of a FRP composite product whilst taking into account the three …

Ecodesign optimisation

1.4 Ecodesign flow-chart The objective is characterised by an optimisation of the ecodesign function, in which the Q- H-E aspects all interact together (probability of the event F ). The …

Assessment of the eco-coefficients using code colours

To further facilitate the understanding of the ecodesign modelling and the approach allowing the calculation of different eco-coefficients, we think that it will be easy to formulate the problem by …

Ecodesign coefficients

1.3 Identification of the eco-coefficients As there are N successive stages in the design process, we found it convenient to assign to each of Q, H and E aspects a …

Practical descriptions of the variable probability elements

To be familiar with the probability variable elements expressed by Equation (2), let us consider for example the statement "quality-assurance aspect is achievable and sustainable for the mould polymerisation process” …

Ecodesign function

The probability P(F) represents the searched ecodesign function; a function that has multiple variables and lies between the values of 0 and 1, and is defined by f(Q=xi, H=yi, E=Zi). …

Application of probability principles to ecodesign function

1.2 Probability approach To illustrate the model-set probability, let us consider the sample space Q that contains all the possible subsets (events) defined by Equation (1) and illustrated in Figure …

Ecodesign model and sample space

As it was shown in Figure 2c, the interaction between the three Q-H-E aspects yields the apparition of a certain number of events, which are illustrated in Figure 3. Each …

Evolution of the interaction between Q-H-E aspects

The main condition of ecodesign can be reached when the interaction between Q, H, E aspects yields a common area of intersection between these aspects, i. e., Qt^Ht^E. The original …

Ecodesign of composite materials and structures

1.1 Position of ecodesign approach within sustainable development concept According to most scientific results related to the protection of biodiversity, global warming and climate change may have severe effects on …

Generation of New Eco-friendly Composite Materials via the Integration of Ecodesign Coefficients

Brahim Attaf Expert in Composite Materials & Structures France 1. Introduction Thanks to their excellent formability, their mass-saving advantage, their high stiffness-to- density and strength-to-density ratios, i. e., E/p and …

Expert in Composite Materials

Studies and research activities conducted in the field of high-technology materials show that advanced composite materials are successfully used in key components for many fields of applications, from aerospace & …

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