Advanced Econometrics Takeshi Amemiya
Autoregressive Models
5.1.2 First-Order Autoregressive Model
Consider a sequence of random variables {y,}, t = 0, ± 1, ±2,. . . , which follows
Уі = РУі- i + e(, (5-2.1)
where we assume
Assumption А. {є,}, t = 0, ± 1, ±2,............. are i. i.d. with Ее, = 0 and
Ee}= a2 and independent of y,-i, yf_2,....
Assumption B. p < 1.
Assumption C. Ey, — 0 and Ey, yt+h = yh for all t. (That is, {}>,} are weakly stationary.)
Model (5.2.1) with Assumptions A, B, and C is called a stationaryfirst-order autoregressive model, abbreviated as AR(1).
From (5.2.1) we have
У, = Psy,-s + 2 fa-i - (5-2.2)
But 1іт,_ю E(psy,_s)2 = 0 because of Assumptions В and C. Therefore we have
Уг-^pbt-,, (5.2.3)
which means that the partial summation of the right-hand side converges to y, in the mean square. The model (5.2.1) with Assumptions A, B, and C is equivalent to the model (5.2.3) with Assumptions A and B. The latter is called the moving-average representation of the former.
A quick mechanical way to obtain the moving-average representation
(5.2.3) of (5.2.1) and vice-versa is to define the lag operator L such that Ly, — L2y, = y,_2 Then (5.2.1) can be written as
(1 - pL)y, = e„ (5.2.4)
where 1 is the identity operator such that ly, — y,. Therefore
which is (5.2.3).
An AR(1) process can be generated as follows: Define as a random variable independent of €,, e2,. . . , with Ey0 — 0 and Ey% = a2/(1 — p2). Then define y, by (5.2.2) after putting s = t.
The autocovariances (yA) can be expressed as functions of p and a2 as follows: Multiplying (5.2.1) with y,_A and taking the expectation yields
yh = pyh-, h =1,2,.... (5.2.6)
From (5.2.1), E(y, — py,_, )2 = Ее2, so that we have
{І+р^Уо-гру^а2. (5.2.7)
Solving (5.2.6) and (5.2.7), we obtain a2of1
Vh = jZTf’ Л-0,1,2,----------- (5.2.8)
Note that Assumption C implies y_A = yh.
Arranging the autocovariances in the form of a matrix as in (5.1.1), we obtain the autocovariance matrix of AR(1),
Now let us examine an alternative derivation of 2, that is useful for deriving the determinant and the inverse of 2, and is easily generalizable to higher - order processes. Define Г-vectors у = (Уі, y2> • • • . Утї and б(*0 = [(1 - рі*УІ2Уі, e2, €3,. . . , ет and а ГХ Tmatrix
Then we have
But, because £€*)€*) = cr2I, we obtain
2j = <t2R71(R'i)-,>
which can be shown to be identical with (5.2.9). Taking the determinant of both sides of (5.2.12) yields
1 - P2'
Inverting both sides of (5.2.12) yields
By inserting (5.2.8) into (5.1.2), we can derive the spectral density of AR( 1):
/Л")=ТТЛ E
1 P A—»
=у^ [i+J; (pe^f+J; (/*-*? ]
_ g2 Г. peia і
1 — p2 l 1 — 1 — pe~iaJ
1 — 2p COS G) + /)