Semiparametric efficiency bound and semiparametric MLE

On asymptotic efficiency for semiparametric estimation, Chamberlain (1986) de­rived an asymptotically lower bound for variances of - ft - consistent regular semiparametric estimators for the sample selection model (18.1). The …

Serial correlation in the disturbances of the linear regression model

The seminal work of Cochrane and Orcutt (1949) alerted the econometric pro­fession to the difficulties of assuming uncorrelated disturbances in time series applications of the linear regression model. It soon …

Prior Information

The information on the parameters can come from two sources. One is from the observations, which are informative about о(0). But we may also have a priori information. Let this …

The Optimal Two-step or Iterated GMM Estimator

It is remarked in Section 3 that if q = p then GMM is equivalent to the MM estimator based on E[f(vt, 0o)] = o and so the estimator does …

The encompassing approach

This approach generalizes Cox's original idea and asks whether model Hf can explain one or more features of the rival model Hg. When all the features of model Hg can …

Multivariate data

In some data sets more than one count is observed. For example, data on the utilization of several different types of health service, such as doctor visits and hospital days, …

Concluding Remarks

Recent sampling theory research on heteroskedastic models seems to be con­centrated on methods for estimation and hypothesis testing that do not requirespecification of a particular parametric form of heteroskedasticity. They …

Factor analysis

A generalization of the model discussed above is the factor analysis model. It is written, in a somewhat different notation, as Уп = Л£ n + Є n, where £n …

The Variance Decomposition of Belsley, Kuh, and Welsch (1980)

A property of eigenvalues is that tr( X'X) = XK=1 . This implies that the sizes of the eigenvalues are determined in part by the scaling of the data. Data …

Spatial dependence in panel data models

When observations are available across space as well as over time, the additional dimension allows the estimation of the full covariance of one type of associa­tion, using the other dimension …

Simulation Methods

In binary QRM there is little basis to choose between the logit and probit models because of the similarity of the cumulative normal and the logistic distributions. In the multinomial …

Limited-Information Estimators of Structural Parameters

We now consider the estimation of an equation in the linear simultaneous sys­tem. Note that the ith rows of B and Г contain the coefficients in the ith structural equation …

Orders of magnitude

In determining the limiting behavior of sequences of random variables it is often helpful to employ notions of orders of relative magnitudes. We start with a review of the concepts …

Collinearity in nonlinear regression models

When examining Z(P) for collinearity a problem arises. That is, Z(P) depends not only on the data matrix X but also on the parameter values p. Thus collinearity changes from …


The Poisson regression model is usually too restrictive for count data, leading to alternative models as presented in Sections 3 and 4. The fundamental problem is that the distribution is …

Semiparametric IV estimation and conditional moments restrictions

Simultaneous equation models with selectivity can also be estimated by semiparametric methods. Semiparametric IV methods for the estimation of sam­ple selection models are considered in Powell (1987) and Lee (1994b). …

Maximum likelihood estimation

An n x 1 vector y generated by the linear regression model (3.12) with an ARMA(p, q) disturbance process with normal errors, i. e. et ~ IN(0, a2), can be …

Handling the Rank in Practice

The question is how one should apply this theorem in practice. Since 00 is an unknown parameter vector it is not yet clear how one should compute the rank of …

The Overidentifying Restrictions Test

The asymptotic theory so far has been predicated on the assumption that the model is correctly specified in the sense that E[f(vt, 00)] = 0. If this assumption is false …

Power and finite sample properties

A number of studies have examined the small sample properties of nonnested tests. For a limited number of cases it is possible to determine the exact form of the test …

Practical Considerations

Those with experience of nonlinear least squares will find it easy to use packaged software for Poisson regression, which is a widely available option in popular econometrics packages like LIMDEP, …

Seemingly Unrelated. Regression

Denzil G. Fiebig* 1 Introduction Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) is one of the econometric developments that has found considerable use in applied work. Not all theoretical develop­ments find their way …

MIMIC and reduced rank regression

Above, we considered elaborations of equation (8.18), which offered additional information about the otherwise unidentified parameters in the form of an additional indicator. The latent variable appeared once more as …

Other Diagnostic Issues and Tools

There are a number of issues related to the diagnosis of collinearity, and other diagnostic tools. In this section we summarize some of these. 1.2 The centering issue Eigenvalue magnitudes …

Spatial dependence in models for qualitative data

Empirical analysis of interacting agents requires models that incorporate spatial dependence for discrete dependent variables, such as counts or binary outcomes (Brock and Durlauf, 1995). This turns out to be …


Lung-fei Lee* 1 Introduction This paper provides some account on econometric models and analysis of sample selection problems. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part considers possible …

Full Information Methods

In this section, we change the notation somewhat and write the jth equation as Vj = Yj в + Xj Yj + U = Zj 8j + U (6-16) Here, …

Independent processes

In this subsection we discuss LLNs for independent processes. Theorem 18.12 (Kolmogorov's strong LLN for iid random variables) Let Zt be a sequence of identically and independently distributed (iid) random …

Collinearity in maximum likelihood estimation

Collinearity in the context of maximum likelihood estimation is similarly diag­nosed. Instead of minimizing the sum of squared errors we maximize the loglikelihood function. Standard gradient methods for numerical maximization …

Other Parametric Count Regression Models

Various models that are less restrictive than Poisson are presented in this section. First, overdispersion in count data may be due to unobserved heterogeneity. Then counts are viewed as being …

Estimation of the intercept

The semiparametric estimation of sample selection models described has focused on the estimation of regression coefficients in outcome and selection equations. The intercept of the outcome equation has been absorbed …

Maximum marginal likelihood estimation

There is a mounting literature that suggests that the method of maximum likeli­hood estimation as outlined in Section 3.1 can lead to biased estimates and inac­curate asymptotic test procedures based …

The Classical Simultaneous Equations Model

We now turn to identification in the classical simultaneous equations model. Estimation in this model is comprehensively reviewed in chapter 6 by Mariano. The model is By + Гх = …

Other Estimators as Special Cases of GMM

It is remarked in the introduction that GMM estimation encompasses many esti­mators of interest in econometrics, and so provides a very convenient framework for the examination of various issues pertaining …

Measures of Closeness and Vuong’s Approach

So far the concepts of nested and nonnested hypotheses have been loosely de­fined, but for a more integrated approach to nonnested hypothesis testing and model selection a more formal definition …

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