A COMPANION TO Theoretical Econometrics
An Artificial Regression for Binary Response Models
For binary response models such as the logit and probit models, there exists a very simple artificial regression that can be derived as an extension of the Gauss - Newton regression. It was independently suggested by Engle (1984) and Davidson and MacKinnon (1984b).
The object of a binary response model is to predict the probability that the binary dependent variable, yt, is equal to 1 conditional on some information set Qt. A useful class of binary response models can be written as
E(y 11 Qt) = Pr(y t = 1) = F(ZtP). (1.51)
Here Z t is a row vector of explanatory variables that belong to Qt, в is the vector of parameters to be estimated, and F(x) is the differentiable cumulative distribution function (CDF) of some scalar probability distribution. For the probit model, F(x) is the standard normal CDF. For the logit model, F(x) is the logistic function
exp( x)
1 + exp(x)
The loglikelihood function for this class of binary response models is
*(P) = I ((1 - yt) log (1 - F(Zfp)) + yt log (F(ZtP))), (1.52)
If f(x) = F'(x) is the density corresponding for the CDF F(x), the first-order conditions for maximizing (1.52) are
where Zft is the tith component of Zt, ft = f(ZtS) and Ft = F(ZtS).
There is more than one way to derive the artificial regression that corresponds to the model (1.51). The easiest is to rewrite it in the form of the nonlinear regression model
yt = F(Zt P) + u, (1.54)
The error term ut here is evidently nonnormal and heteroskedastic. Because y t is like a Bernoulli trial with probability p given by F(Ztp), and the variance of a Bernoulli trial is p(1 - p), the variance of ut is
V(P) - F(ZfP)(1 - F(ZfP)). (1.55)
The ordinary GNR for (1.54) would be
Уt - F(ZtP) = f (ZtP)Ztb + residual,
but the ordinary GNR is not appropriate because of the heteroskedasticity of the ut. Multiplying both sides by the square root of the inverse of (1.55) yields the artificial regression
v-1/2(P)(yt - F(ZtP)) = v-1/2(P)f (Ztp)Ztb + residual. (1.56)
This regression has all the usual properties of artificial regressions. It can be seen from (1.53) that it satisfies condition (1'). Because a typical element of the information matrix corresponding to (1.52) is
it is not difficult to show that regression (1.56) satisfies condition (2). Finally, since (1.56) has the structure of a GNR, the arguments used in Section 3 show that it also satisfies condition (3), the one-step property.
As an artificial regression, (1.56) can be used for all the things that other artificial regressions can be used for. In particular, when it is evaluated at restricted estimates U, the explained sum of squares is an LM test statistic for testing the restrictions. The normalization of the regressand by its standard error means that other test statistics, such as nR2 and the ordinary F-statistic for the coefficients on the regressors that correspond to the restricted parameters to be zero, are also asymptotically valid. However, they seem to have slightly poorer finite-sample properties than the ESS (Davidson and MacKinnon, 1984b). It is, of course, possible to extend regression (1.56) in various ways. For example, it has been extended to tests of the functional form of F(x) by Thomas (1993) and to tests of ordered logit models by Murphy (1996).
In this chapter, we have introduced the concept of an artificial regression and discussed several examples. We have seen that artificial regressions can be useful for minimizing criterion functions, computing one-step estimates, calculating covariance matrix estimates, and computing test statistics. The last of these is probably the most common application. There is a close connection between the artificial regression for a given model and the asymptotic theory for that model. Therefore, as we saw in Section 6, artificial regressions can also be very useful for obtaining theoretical results.
Most of the artificial regressions we have discussed are quite well known. This is true of the Gauss-Newton regression discussed in Sections 3 and 4, the OPG regression discussed in Section 6, the double-length regression discussed in Section 9, and the regression for binary response models discussed in Section 10. However, the artificial regression for GMM estimation discussed in Section 7 does not appear to have been treated previously in published work, and we believe that the heteroskedasticity-robust GNR discussed in Section 8 is new.
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