Almost without exception all veneering of new work is now done with modern synthetic resin or casein glues—the latter may be considered a natural plastic—using cramping/clamping pressure. However, the traditional hand method of employing hot hide (Scotch) glue and a heated household iron is still extremely useful in the repair of valuable antique furniture and in situations where no cramping facilities are available, therefore the process is described in some detail, for in capable hands it can be done quickly and cheaply and its permanence is beyond question. Basic requirements for hand - laying are: freshly made glue, thin and as hot as possible (animal glues must never be boiled), plenty of clean hot water (not taken from the iron glue-pot), clean rag, thin absorbent paper for taping, veneer pins, a fairly heavy Warrington pattern hammer, household iron and heating stove, or heavy-weight electric iron, and veneering-hammer. Figure 281 shows the simply made veneering-hammer with brass tongue (steel rusts badly with hide glue). An average size for the head will be about 4 in (101 mm) by 4 in (101 mm) by7/8 in (22 mm) with a 3/4 in (19 mm) dowel rod taken through and wedged. If there is much hand-veneering to
281 Veneering hammer |
be done smaller hammers are useful for inlays, cross-bandings, etc. A heated room or workshop is necessary, and in the old workshops veneering by hand methods was never attempted in cold or humid weather or until the workshop had been warmed up after the day's start.