Round leg framings
The framing up of round section legs is shown in 216:3 either dowelled or tenoned as inset, and the shoulders scribed to fit the rounding; the scribing is easier with a dowelled construction. The dowels should alternate in their length (216:4), while 216:5 shows a tenoned arrangement in which a flat is formed on the leg which does away with the necessity of a scribed rail and gives the same overall appearance. Where the leg is fitted direct to the carcass and not framed up as an independent stand or stool, metal fittings can be used, either screw on or with dovetail slotted plates, and obtainable in a variety of angles for canted legs. Alternatively, a tenoned end can be turned on the leg and treated as described on p. 215.
only (217:8A), or at the top and one side (217:8B), dependent on the thickness of the wood. If a dowelled construction is used there must be room for two 1/4 in (6 mm) or 3/8 in (9 mm) dowels (217:9B), as the joint could swivel on one dowel only; but the rail could be recessed or stub tenoned in 217:9A to prevent any movement with one dowel. Very slight stretcher rails can also be tenoned and pinned from underneath (217:10) or taken through and wedged (217:12).
Other arrangements are shown in 217:3-7. In 217:3 the cross-slats are stopped slot dovetailed (217:11), or they can be stub tenoned (217:10) providing there are substantial side rails (217:lC) to prevent the legs casting or-splaying outwards and breaking the joints. Magazine racks composed of many slats can be stubbed and pinned into a groove (217:14A), or with dowels taken through and wedged from the outside to form a decorative feature. Diagonal stretchers are shown in 217:4 in which flats are worked on the legs and the stretchers either tenoned, in 217:1 5A, or dowelled (217:15B) with a halving joint at the centre cross cover. Figure 217:5 is a double Y in which the long stretcher is either tenoned into the short stretchers (217: 16A) , or the short stretchers into the long stretcher (217:16B). In 217:6 the curved stretchers can be steam bent and halved together (217:17), or laminated with three or
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five long strips to each stretcher, building them up to form the crossover. The curved rail in 217:7 can also be bent or laminated, with the back stretcher tenoned in between the back legs and the curved stretcher into the back of the front legs. A small flat is worked on the curved stretcher (217:18) which is glued and screwed from the back. As the two sets of tenons enter from opposing directions, a trial assembly of the complete stand should be made in the dry state to determine the sequence.