Petroglyphic art of East desert. The fine arts of Old Egypt and arts and crafts of Egypt
Dodatichesky art of Egypt
Petroglyphic art of East desert - one of most ideal the kept secrets of Egypt, unnoticed thanks to an abundance of monuments of an era of Pharaohs in the Plain of Nile and to difficulties at achievement of many places scattered on 2400 of the desert to the East from Luxor and Idf. Though they small on comparison to the Western desert, threats of this district cannot be underestimated. Voobshchem danger that is not so difficult to be lost in a labyrinth waterless drive, and itself not enough one of the groups, travelling on 4WD was lost there. The fine arts of Old Egypt - petroglyphic pictures - vary from single pictures on stones to a number of the rocks covered with images of people and animals, flotillas of boats and herds of giraffes, ostriches and elephants. Though Ancient Egyptian and Roman inscriptions have slightly opened almost everything about mountain works and trade, specifically petroglyphic art made before association of Egypt (about 3100) is truly entertaining as throws light on an origin of the Egyptian civilisation.
Dodinastichesky petroglyphic art of Egypt is dated very much allegedly. Dating comprises stylistic comparisons and the analysis of natural deposits on stones and drawings. Since then as drive quite often decrease, certain scientists date these works in their height over plain level, attributing spirals to the most raneshny phase (7000-6000) which scenes from the run wild nature and hunting follow. Images of giraffes, crocodiles, hippopotamuses and mountain goats in the main thing belong at the right time when the region was more wettish, than now (about 4000-2700) and camels did not get into Egypt to the middle of 1 millennium BC; while elephants lived here during dodinastichesky times. The image of a cattle reflects pastoral style which prospered between 5500 and 4000 BC and, probably, has inspired then the image of a bull in a civilisation of Pharaohs. The most ancient images of human figures represent gods or leaders in headdresses from ostrich's feathers with the staffs, invitingly identical with motive of «The hero of the conqueror» in to - and raneshny dynastic art in Iyerakon-pole in the Plain of Nile. People in Egypt are represented standing in boats and quite often surrounded by ostriches, elephants or a livestock. And Hans Uinkler who has carried out here fruitful research in the 1930th, and David Rol who studied not so long ago petroglyphic art, believe that the most ancient images of boats concern «East conquerors» - Mesopotamia. They достигнули Egypt on the Reddish sea also have struck local inhabitants of the Plain of Nile, having struck blow to the Egyptian civilisation. Boat motives were used in an extent of all era of Pharaohs. At the time of Pharaohs East desert was a basic source of gold, porphyry and a brekchiya so here it is possible to find strongly many hieroglyphs and cartouches, stately Pharaohs and images of Mines (a local deity of Copts and god of the desert).
Art др Egypt. Noteworthy routes.
For Romans the road to Berenika was the basic trading route perfectly protected by forts and noted by illegible various graffiti while the bedouins getting from Sinai and from Sudan, left own breeding signs. There are three noteworthy zones. It is possible to reach 2 of them on 2 WD, on roads between El-Kuseyr and Kift or Mars Alam and Idf, but for all drive between them 4 WD are required. Vadi Hammamat. The road from El-Kuseyr to Kifta passes by a large quantity of petroglyphic works of art and the inscriptions reflecting the main lines of culture of old Egypt. The most part from them treat an era of Pharaohs. Stone quarries in Vadi Hammamat are full of beautiful hieroglyphs, certain are put over images of the dancing goddess of Egypt and mountain goats. Dodinastichesky boats and inscriptions of times of Pharaohs arise on mountains on both parties of the road of boundaries Vadi Hammamat and El-Lakita. Both these districts note the way beginning to dodinastichesky monuments in Vadi Kash and Vadi Atvan to reach them, 4 WD and the conductor which truly knows the road are required. Vadi Minekh Mozhno to reach and on other main road. It is the remarkable district from wide drive also dunes which is inaccessible without GPS and comprises the large quantity петроглифов and petroglyphic works – true art др Egypt. Further in the south in Vadi Abu Vasyl the isolated area which Uinkler called the Zone 26, is covered with images of leaders, boats, ostriches and a livestock. One image represents the person bleeding at cattle, this practice meets till this moment in the middle of pastushesky tribes. Vadi Barramy. The road from Mars Alam to Idf passes directly through it drive, where there is a temple cut from the mountain Kanais, in 50 km from Idf. There are images on which Networks I kills Shaza (inhabitants of the desert) both nubian opponents, and the inscriptions glorifying wells whom it has dug out повдоль this desert road. If wish to behold it all the eyes, get the most cheap permits to Egypt and touch history of Pharaohs.
The best time of rest in Egypt. Good advice
To the East from the temple dodinastichesky boats are represented on both parties of the road; certain from their big teams including to 70 people. Direct attention to true monuments of art - pictogrammes of a hippopotamus, an elephant and a banner of the Pharaoh reminding a hieroglyph to "drill", respective this area of mountain development. Even more images of boats and animals in borders of pedestrian distance from the road and on the top parties drive. Vadi Umm Salam duplicates «A canyon of boats» and also contains strips and the curls ought to modern cards of systems drive - certain reflect that it is the dodinastichesky card of this area. For the climatic reasons the best time of rest in Egypt for research of petroglyphic art of East desert - from the middle of September to the middle of May. Motorists should travel in pairs and take with themselves the necessary quantity of water for travel and petrol. Because of the gold mines located in this area, and need of protection of these weak spots access is allowed only from the coast of the Reddish sea (not from the Plain of Nile). Permissions of military investigation and SCA to travel to Egypt in the distance from the main roads stand out to the unique foreign operator, Ancient World Tours, together with the Egyptian company Pan Arab Tours. Ancient World Tours co-operated with Russ Ruf and David Rol in research of East desert for the organisation of expeditions «Followers the Mountain» which purpose - to fix all petroglyphic art in this region.
For pleasant travel to Egypt from Arkhangelsk it is necessary for you to address only in travel agency. The tour operator will take care of all the rest.