Oasis Bakhary Vokrugs oasis To the South from Baviti
The southern part of an oasis is contemplated usually by the tourists going to the Snow-white desert on a safari on vedovy cars. Certain from them turn off after the journey to call in to the Black desert (Sahara Vessels) from the bared dark breeds and rovnenky stones, others move to a detour round the far party Dzhebel Gala Siva to behold a fine dune which was formed alee from a slope - on which it is possible to "move down". These excursions stop from time to time for a dinner in Heyz el-Bahri where overgrown tamarisky hillocks and palm trees surround the cool source, one of those lush enclaves in the district called by El-Heyz. To chagrin, excursion occasionally visit Ayn al-Reece to the South from the highway where the Roman and Christian ruins say about its settlement during age-old times (ахри considers that it was «the fourth oasis», described in texts during an era to Edf). It can be connected with that the Supreme council of antiquities (SCA) so hurried to "restore" church St. Zhora that has preferred that nobody contemplated result. Copts believe that one of apostles of the Christ, St. Bartholomew, has visited Bakhariya before a martyrdom and, maybe, even was lost there. In Ayn al-Reece also there is a brick Roman fortress and the remains old винодельни. Remaining заместо it on the highway, you can behold a snow-white grave in the desert approximately in 30 km from Baviti: a monument to the Swiss Rehn Michel, to the pioneer of tourism in Bakhariya which was lost here from heart attack in 1986. On KM 56 there is a control point and Oasis Cafeteria.
Bakhary's hollows and Farafra are broken by a huge crest from limestone where huge masses of sand go повдоль roads. When it crosses Nakb es-Sillum (Star pass), two microwave masts transmit signals between oases (about a naiblezhayshy mast to Bakhariya there is a first-aid station). From here many safaris move down after the journey to reach Agabat and the Snow-white desert, it is described in the section devoted to an oasis Farafra.