Yangzi Fenkhuans pool and district. The most famous Chinese sights
In Fenkhuan's colourful suburbs some fascinating monuments of a past have remained, from which the Southern Stately Chinese wall is naiblezhayshy. Constructed in 1554 for protection from мяо, the wall lasted practically on 190 km from Sitsyuein in the Western Hunan to Tunzhenya in Guizhou. In 13 km from Fenkhuan the piece of this wall in extent in some hundred metres has remained almost untouched. The trip there on the bus from a traffic intersection at the westernmost tip Tszyanshela will occupy about half an hour. Having bought the ticket, you can walk around a wall which, maybe, and not so массивна and is high-strength, as her northern double, but the reminiscence makes so strong, both walls - the main Chinese sights. But there are less tourists - if you have planned rest in China in November, probably will walk on it alone. In 10 km from a wall there is Huansytsyao (Juan's Shelkovy Bridge) - the next ancient settlement which has blossomed in due time thanks to the dealer in silk to Juan, constructed the bridge for recruitment to the city of people. Three gateway towers are turned on the North and the West, here also there are hotels though it is natural not the best hotels of China. It is possible to reach here by the bus from a wall or from Fenkhuan. If you the usual culture of China interests and you wish to get acquainted closer with life мяо or to get their craft hand-made articles, go to Alain, standing in 7 km to the West from the Stately Chinese wall and collecting in market days of inhabitants of all nearby villages. Buses on Alain go from a stop on the westernmost tip to Tszyanshela in Fenkhuan.
Tremendous rounds to China from Khabarovsk will not change any geographical transfer on TV. Have a look the eyes at the Chinese sights.