Self-locking device across Egypt. Travel by a self-locking device on an individual transport across Egypt
Travel to Egypt a self-locking device is limited to areas where practically there is no public transport of Egypt (there catch everything that goes), and highways (where full hopes people expect on a roadside a passing share taxi or the regular bus). Because you in any case should pay, without the last need of sense for a self-locking device is not present. Voobshchem people in Egypt despise the foreigners voting where is ordinary transport. But because very few tourists decide on travel to Egypt by own cars, the ideal option is a rent of the car in Egypt. Ladies voobshchy cannot vote without the provozhdayushchy man. In the country and in the village where buses in Egypt are rare or they are not present voobshchy, passengers are transported quite often by cargo cars (камионы) and pickups (бижу). From you can ask it is sensitive more than from local inhabitants, or it is necessary to bargain, but it will be made quite rectilinearly. In rural areas it is also possible to approach on a tractor. As a probable vehicle it is necessary to mention and those buses in Egypt that carry pilgrims to Vadi-Natrun's monasteries, St. Pavel or St. Antonija, or in more remote places on such holidays, as маулиды St. Damiana or sheikh al-Shazli.
Permits to Egypt from Surgut - pleasant travel from winter in summer!