What to have a look
Neil Luksor Prozhivaniye Gostinitsys plain of the average level. Hotels of Egypt of 3 stars what influences their stoymost?

Hotels of average price category, generally hotels of Egypt of 3 stars, offer numbers with separate bathrooms, кондюками, phone and a TV set. In them there is a restaurant and a bar of Egypt, in certain cases - the pool. On it the list of common features comes to an end, as all hotels differ from each other location, interiors, the atmosphere, clientele and other factors influencing on the price of rest in Egypt. Though the breakfast is included in the price, do not wait for anything besides the fact that to you would offer in any cheap hotel.
Remarkable rounds to Egypt from Moscow in though what season. For us your desire – the law!
Food in Baviti healthy, but not impressing, as well as in the majority of other oases. Fried chickens, salad and rice can be eaten in several hotels and campings, but the most part of guests gravitate to Bavitis Popular Restoraunt which makes comprehensive dinners
Caves Lushanya and Chinese garden of TszesinThe trip to China without the aid of others will give you unforgettable memoirs. Occupying about 300 sq.km Lushansky highlands form the elliptic platform inclined to the southwest. The median part of a plateau is occupied
Noteworthy night clubs of EgyptIf svetozvukovy show in Karnaka is considered one of the best sights of Egypt, night life of Luxor - only a pale shadow of entertainments of Hurghada. Tourists very much are tired of day excursions to go to night clubs of Egypt